There is a term that has been around for quite a while now -
"Born Again Christian."
The first time I remember hearing it was in the 1976 presidential
campaign, and Jimmy Carter announced that he was a "Born Again
Since then, the world has trivialized the term "born again." This term began to
be used to describe not only Christians, but also it seemed, almost
anyone who had fallen on hard times, committed a crime, or just had
messed up his life in general, only to make a great "comeback."
These people now had a "new lease on life." Entertainers, athletes,
businessmen, and others who had turned their life around after suffering
through hard times, were being called "born again" fill in the blanks.
Sports Illustrated even got in on the act, with a cover story on Bjorn Borg,
the tennis great from Sweden. When he won several Wimbledon tournaments
in a row, the headline was "Bjorn Again."
While watching the game show Jeopardy, years ago I heard some words that surprised
me. The category was Christianity (if I recall correctly), and the answer given
(the response, of course, had to be in the form of a question) was "when a
Christian rededicates his life to Christ."
The correct response (according to the Jeopardy producers) given by the contestant
was "what is being 'born again?" When host Alex Trebeck said, "that's correct,"
I replied out loud, "What? No! No! No! That is NOT correct, Alex!"
If that were true, then any time a Christian rededicated his life to Christ,
he would be "born again." So, a person could be "born again" over and over
and over.
That is not what the Bible describes as being "born again." The term goes back
to the New Testament, when Jesus used it, as recorded in the gospel of John. He
was talking about a different kind of "born again" - a spiritual type.
In Hebrews 9:28, we see that "Christ was sacrificed
ONCE to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time,
not to bear sin, but to bring salvation, to those who are waiting for him."
Just as Christ died ONCE for sinners, so are sinners who repent and trust
in him alone for salvation, "born again" only ONCE.
In John 3:3&7, Jesus made it plain that a person MUST be "born again" to be
saved or see the kingdom of God. "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born
again he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3).
"Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born again'" (John 3:7).
Therefore, according to the words of Jesus, we can safely conclude that the
term "Born Again Christian" is redundant. The word "Christian" is unnecessary,
because if a person is "born again," (biblically speaking) he IS a Christian!
We can also conclude that anyone who is not "born again" is not a Christian.
That may be politically incorrect to say today, but based on the words of Jesus,
it is the truth.
Much more on being "born again" next time.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Jesus Came To Save His People!
It's that time again - Christmas! Christians around the world celebrate
the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, on this day.
But why did he have to come as he did, born in a lowly manger
in Bethlehem?
Theologian Robert Peterson wrote, "In order to turn aside the wrath
of God against guilty sinners, he had to become one with them and die as
a substitute for them."
"If the Son had not become a human being, he could not have lived a
sinless human life, died and risen again to deliver his people. To perform
his saving work, he had to become to one of us."
"Bethlehem (The cradle) led to Calvary (The cross), where the purpose
of Christ's coming was achieved. Then the resurrection."
Jesus accomplished his mission, saving his people, who were dead in their
sins, and sat down at the right hand of God, signifying that his work of redemp-
tion was complete and that he is actively ruling with God the Father as Lord
over all.
"The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his
being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided puri-
fication for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven"
Hebrews 1:3.
Jesus is God himself, the absolute authentic representation of God's being.
"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For
by himself all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and
invisible, whether thrones or powers, or rulers or authorities: all things were
created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold
together" Colossians 1:15-17.
John MacArthur wrote, "The word 'firstborn' does not mean Jesus was a
created being. The word describes Jesus' rank, not his origin."
"The firstborn in a Hebrew family was the heir, the ranking one, the one
who had all the rights of inheritance. In a royal family, the right to rule.
Christ is the one who inherits all creation, and has the right to rule over it.
He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords."
When I was a child, I thought Jesus came to be at Bethlehem. I didn't
understand that he had existed for all time with the Father, and was in fact
the Creator of everything.
"In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him
all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made"
John 1:1-3.
Jesus came to heal the spiritually sick, call sinners, and seek and save
the lost. "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost"
Luke 19:10.
Jesus is the only way to salvation; the only way to be reconciled to God.
Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the
Father except through me" John 14:6.
"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under
heaven given to men by which we must be saved" Acts 4:12.
Jesus came to give us a fuller life here on earth and in heaven ("I have
come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly" John 10:10), but ultimately
he came to save his people.
"An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Joseph,
son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because
what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit."
"She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus,
because he will save his people from their sins" Matthew 1:20-21.
The name 'Jesus' means 'Savior,' and another name he is known by
is 'Immanuel,' which means 'God with us.' Jesus came to live with his
people, and redeem them and save them from the Father's wrath and hell.
In his letter to the Philippians, Paul told his fellow Christians how they
should live and who Jesus is.
"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who being
in nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in
human likeness."
"And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became
obedient to death - even death on a cross!"
"Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that
is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, in
heaven and on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus
Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" Philippians 2:5-11.
One day everyone will acknowledge Jesus as Lord!
Wouldn't it be a better world if every Christian's "attitude [was] the same as
that of Christ Jesus?"
Then we would have the "Christmas Spirit" everyday!
Merry Christmas!!!!
the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, on this day.
But why did he have to come as he did, born in a lowly manger
in Bethlehem?
Theologian Robert Peterson wrote, "In order to turn aside the wrath
of God against guilty sinners, he had to become one with them and die as
a substitute for them."
"If the Son had not become a human being, he could not have lived a
sinless human life, died and risen again to deliver his people. To perform
his saving work, he had to become to one of us."
"Bethlehem (The cradle) led to Calvary (The cross), where the purpose
of Christ's coming was achieved. Then the resurrection."
Jesus accomplished his mission, saving his people, who were dead in their
sins, and sat down at the right hand of God, signifying that his work of redemp-
tion was complete and that he is actively ruling with God the Father as Lord
over all.
"The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his
being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided puri-
fication for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven"
Hebrews 1:3.
Jesus is God himself, the absolute authentic representation of God's being.
"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For
by himself all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and
invisible, whether thrones or powers, or rulers or authorities: all things were
created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold
together" Colossians 1:15-17.
John MacArthur wrote, "The word 'firstborn' does not mean Jesus was a
created being. The word describes Jesus' rank, not his origin."
"The firstborn in a Hebrew family was the heir, the ranking one, the one
who had all the rights of inheritance. In a royal family, the right to rule.
Christ is the one who inherits all creation, and has the right to rule over it.
He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords."
When I was a child, I thought Jesus came to be at Bethlehem. I didn't
understand that he had existed for all time with the Father, and was in fact
the Creator of everything.
"In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him
all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made"
John 1:1-3.
Jesus came to heal the spiritually sick, call sinners, and seek and save
the lost. "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost"
Luke 19:10.
Jesus is the only way to salvation; the only way to be reconciled to God.
Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the
Father except through me" John 14:6.
"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under
heaven given to men by which we must be saved" Acts 4:12.
Jesus came to give us a fuller life here on earth and in heaven ("I have
come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly" John 10:10), but ultimately
he came to save his people.
"An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Joseph,
son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because
what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit."
"She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus,
because he will save his people from their sins" Matthew 1:20-21.
The name 'Jesus' means 'Savior,' and another name he is known by
is 'Immanuel,' which means 'God with us.' Jesus came to live with his
people, and redeem them and save them from the Father's wrath and hell.
In his letter to the Philippians, Paul told his fellow Christians how they
should live and who Jesus is.
"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who being
in nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in
human likeness."
"And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became
obedient to death - even death on a cross!"
"Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that
is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, in
heaven and on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus
Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" Philippians 2:5-11.
One day everyone will acknowledge Jesus as Lord!
Wouldn't it be a better world if every Christian's "attitude [was] the same as
that of Christ Jesus?"
Then we would have the "Christmas Spirit" everyday!
Merry Christmas!!!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Christ's Third Saving Event - His Death!
We've been looking at highlights from Robert A. Peterson's new book
Salvation Accomplished By The Son.
*There are nine saving events in Christ's life.
*The first was the incarnation, and the second was Christ's sinless life.
*The third saving event is His death.
Here are more highlights from the chapter.
*It was the will of God the Father to crush Jesus on the cross in order to pay for our
sins. "Yes, it was the will of the LORD to crush him; he has put him to grief; when
his soul makes an offering for guilt, he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days;
the will of the LORD shall prosper in his hand" (Isaiah 53:10).
*Results of Jesus' death: A. Accomplished justification
B. An offering for guilt which makes atonement and procures forgiveness
C. Sanctifies "many nations"
D. Wins a great victory
*Jesus' death was predicted in the Old Testament.
"... when they look on me, on him whom they pierced, they shall mourn for him ..."
Zechariah 12:10.
" ... an anointed one shall be cut off and shall have nothing" Daniel 9:26a.
*Jesus predicted his death. " ... The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands
of men, and they will kill him. And when he is killed, after three days he will rise" Mark
*During the crucifixion, darkness covered Israel for three hours, as a sign of judgment
for rejecting the Messiah. It was also a sign of judgment against Jesus, as the Son became
the Sin-Bearer.
*John 19:30 "It is finished" triumphantly announces the completion of Jesus' mission.
*Mark and Luke record the curtain torn in two in The Holy of Holies, demonstrating
the efficacy of Jesus' death. It was torn from top to bottom - an act of God, not men.
Christ, crucified had given believers access to the presence of God.
*Numbers 21 Moses raised a bronze serpent, and all who looked at it were delivered
from the snakes.
Jesus was raised up in crucifixion so that all who look to him would be delivered from
eternal condemnation.
*Jesus, The good Shepherd, lays down his life for his sheep (John 10:15).
*Jesus lays down his life (crucifixion) that he may take it up again (resurrection).
These verses shows that Jesus raised himself from the grave (John 10:17-18).
*Jesus' death is an atoning death that brings forgiveness to everyone who believes.
*Jesus' sacrificial death is completely adequate for the needs of all men, but only
believers will be saved.
*A grain of wheat must be buried if it is to yield fruit for man, so Jesus must give
himself in death to produce a harvest of life for the world.
*Jesus is the believers' propitiation and expiation.
*Propitiation is the turning away of God's wrath.
*Expiation is the putting away of sin.
*God forgave Old Testament believers on the basis of the work of Christ to come!
*Reconciliation means peacemaking, and the Reconciler must be a man because death
is necessary and God in heaven cannot die.
The Reconciler is Christ, God incarnate.
*He, himself is our peace (Ephesians 2:14).
Jesus reconciles his people to God the Father by his death on the cross.
We (his people) receive redemption through his blood (death).
* Jesus shows his love for us by giving himself as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God
(Ephesians 5:2).
*The sinner has two things wrong - spiritual death and uncleanness. The remedy for spiritual
death is regeneration (Colossians 2:13) and the remedy for uncleanness is full pardon for sin
(Col. 2:14) where God cancels our debt that stood against us.
*Record of debt refers to our not keeping the Ten Commandments.
God cancelled our (believers) debt, nailing it to the cross (penal substitution).
*Hebrews 1:3 Christ's atonement is FINAL because he sat down at the right hand of God
after his sacrifice. Christ's atonement is PERFECT because of where he sat down. At the
right hand of God is the chief place of authority and honor in the universe.
The Father's way of showing that the Son's work of atonement is complete and perfect.
Nothing can be added.
Christ's atonement is EFFECTIVE because of where he sat. He satisified all of the Father's
requirements to make atonement and secured an eternal redemption for his people!
*Christ's death accomplishes two goals: 1) Destroys the Devil (Rev 20:10) and
2) Delivers his people from hell (Romans 5:9).
*Peter teaches that the spirit constitutes sinners as saints and as a result (although simultaneously)
they obey the gospel, that is, believe in Jesus and are cleansed by his atoning death
(1 Peter 1:1-2).
Not that he "offered" our sins on the tree, but that he "bore" them on the tree. He carried our
sins away in his death.
Peter presents Christ's death as saving in that his shed blood cleanses and redeems, and he
carries our sins away to the tree. He dies in our (believers) place to join us to God. (1 Peter
*God's love precedes and precipitates ours.
*Christ's redemptive death is efficacious to redeem; it actually ransoms people for God (does
not just make salvation possible). It is for all people, from "every tribe and language and
people and nation."
*His death does not save everyone, but saves all of God's people from every people group, tongue
ethnicity and political entity (Rev 5:6,9).
*The result is that ransomed people belong to God as a kingdom of priests. John thus presents
The Church as the new Israel, seeing the purpose for Old Testament Israel's existance - to be
a kingdom of prests and a holy nation - fulfilled in Christ's redeemed people, including believing
Jews and Gentiles.
*Christ is the believer's: 1) Legal substitute 2) Victor 3) Redeemer 4) Reconciler and 5) Sacrifice.
Salvation Accomplished By The Son.
*There are nine saving events in Christ's life.
*The first was the incarnation, and the second was Christ's sinless life.
*The third saving event is His death.
Here are more highlights from the chapter.
*It was the will of God the Father to crush Jesus on the cross in order to pay for our
sins. "Yes, it was the will of the LORD to crush him; he has put him to grief; when
his soul makes an offering for guilt, he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days;
the will of the LORD shall prosper in his hand" (Isaiah 53:10).
*Results of Jesus' death: A. Accomplished justification
B. An offering for guilt which makes atonement and procures forgiveness
C. Sanctifies "many nations"
D. Wins a great victory
*Jesus' death was predicted in the Old Testament.
"... when they look on me, on him whom they pierced, they shall mourn for him ..."
Zechariah 12:10.
" ... an anointed one shall be cut off and shall have nothing" Daniel 9:26a.
*Jesus predicted his death. " ... The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands
of men, and they will kill him. And when he is killed, after three days he will rise" Mark
*During the crucifixion, darkness covered Israel for three hours, as a sign of judgment
for rejecting the Messiah. It was also a sign of judgment against Jesus, as the Son became
the Sin-Bearer.
*John 19:30 "It is finished" triumphantly announces the completion of Jesus' mission.
*Mark and Luke record the curtain torn in two in The Holy of Holies, demonstrating
the efficacy of Jesus' death. It was torn from top to bottom - an act of God, not men.
Christ, crucified had given believers access to the presence of God.
*Numbers 21 Moses raised a bronze serpent, and all who looked at it were delivered
from the snakes.
Jesus was raised up in crucifixion so that all who look to him would be delivered from
eternal condemnation.
*Jesus, The good Shepherd, lays down his life for his sheep (John 10:15).
*Jesus lays down his life (crucifixion) that he may take it up again (resurrection).
These verses shows that Jesus raised himself from the grave (John 10:17-18).
*Jesus' death is an atoning death that brings forgiveness to everyone who believes.
*Jesus' sacrificial death is completely adequate for the needs of all men, but only
believers will be saved.
*A grain of wheat must be buried if it is to yield fruit for man, so Jesus must give
himself in death to produce a harvest of life for the world.
*Jesus is the believers' propitiation and expiation.
*Propitiation is the turning away of God's wrath.
*Expiation is the putting away of sin.
*God forgave Old Testament believers on the basis of the work of Christ to come!
*Reconciliation means peacemaking, and the Reconciler must be a man because death
is necessary and God in heaven cannot die.
The Reconciler is Christ, God incarnate.
*He, himself is our peace (Ephesians 2:14).
Jesus reconciles his people to God the Father by his death on the cross.
We (his people) receive redemption through his blood (death).
* Jesus shows his love for us by giving himself as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God
(Ephesians 5:2).
*The sinner has two things wrong - spiritual death and uncleanness. The remedy for spiritual
death is regeneration (Colossians 2:13) and the remedy for uncleanness is full pardon for sin
(Col. 2:14) where God cancels our debt that stood against us.
*Record of debt refers to our not keeping the Ten Commandments.
God cancelled our (believers) debt, nailing it to the cross (penal substitution).
*Hebrews 1:3 Christ's atonement is FINAL because he sat down at the right hand of God
after his sacrifice. Christ's atonement is PERFECT because of where he sat down. At the
right hand of God is the chief place of authority and honor in the universe.
The Father's way of showing that the Son's work of atonement is complete and perfect.
Nothing can be added.
Christ's atonement is EFFECTIVE because of where he sat. He satisified all of the Father's
requirements to make atonement and secured an eternal redemption for his people!
*Christ's death accomplishes two goals: 1) Destroys the Devil (Rev 20:10) and
2) Delivers his people from hell (Romans 5:9).
*Peter teaches that the spirit constitutes sinners as saints and as a result (although simultaneously)
they obey the gospel, that is, believe in Jesus and are cleansed by his atoning death
(1 Peter 1:1-2).
Not that he "offered" our sins on the tree, but that he "bore" them on the tree. He carried our
sins away in his death.
Peter presents Christ's death as saving in that his shed blood cleanses and redeems, and he
carries our sins away to the tree. He dies in our (believers) place to join us to God. (1 Peter
*God's love precedes and precipitates ours.
*Christ's redemptive death is efficacious to redeem; it actually ransoms people for God (does
not just make salvation possible). It is for all people, from "every tribe and language and
people and nation."
*His death does not save everyone, but saves all of God's people from every people group, tongue
ethnicity and political entity (Rev 5:6,9).
*The result is that ransomed people belong to God as a kingdom of priests. John thus presents
The Church as the new Israel, seeing the purpose for Old Testament Israel's existance - to be
a kingdom of prests and a holy nation - fulfilled in Christ's redeemed people, including believing
Jews and Gentiles.
*Christ is the believer's: 1) Legal substitute 2) Victor 3) Redeemer 4) Reconciler and 5) Sacrifice.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Salvation Accomplished By The Son - Christ's Sinless Life
In the last post I blogged about the new book I'm reading, Salvation Accomplished
By the Son.
* Nine saving events in Jesus' life are covered in the book, and the incarnation (Jesus' birth)
was the first.
* Christ could represent mankind only if He became one with them, and could redeem
them by dying as their substitute, and satisfy God's wrath against them for their sins.
Here are some more highlights from the book.
* The second saving event was Christ's sinless life.
There are two main elements: 1) He was free from actual sin (unlike us).
2) He was free from inherent sin (unlike us).
* The Old Testament predicts his sinlessness.
Isaiah was written 700 years before Christ's birth, yet it described the Messiah and what
He would do for His people.
Isaiah 53:9 describes his sinlessness - there was no violence or deceit in His mouth.
Isaiah 53:11 - By His knowledge He will make many to be accounted righteous and shall
bear their iniquities.
Isaiah 53:12 - He bore the sin of many and makes intercession for the transgressors.
* The New Testament reveals His sinlessness.
"For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become
the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21. Martin Luther calls this verse "The Great
Exchange," (Christ's righteousness for our sinfulness).
* Jesus offers us mercy because his sinless humanity enables Him to sympathize with
His People.
* Jesus was "made perfect" by suffering and obeying the Father.
* Jesus came as an infant in order for Him to experience human life, with all its trials and
temptations, triumphantly.
* Because the Son of God was tried, tested, and found blameless, he is able as our great
High Priest to offer the unique sacrifice of Himself on earth and then to take that offering
into the presence of His Father in heaven to avail perpetually for His people.
Next time we'll look at the third saving event in Christ's life - His death.
By the Son.
* Nine saving events in Jesus' life are covered in the book, and the incarnation (Jesus' birth)
was the first.
* Christ could represent mankind only if He became one with them, and could redeem
them by dying as their substitute, and satisfy God's wrath against them for their sins.
Here are some more highlights from the book.
* The second saving event was Christ's sinless life.
There are two main elements: 1) He was free from actual sin (unlike us).
2) He was free from inherent sin (unlike us).
* The Old Testament predicts his sinlessness.
Isaiah was written 700 years before Christ's birth, yet it described the Messiah and what
He would do for His people.
Isaiah 53:9 describes his sinlessness - there was no violence or deceit in His mouth.
Isaiah 53:11 - By His knowledge He will make many to be accounted righteous and shall
bear their iniquities.
Isaiah 53:12 - He bore the sin of many and makes intercession for the transgressors.
* The New Testament reveals His sinlessness.
"For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become
the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21. Martin Luther calls this verse "The Great
Exchange," (Christ's righteousness for our sinfulness).
* Jesus offers us mercy because his sinless humanity enables Him to sympathize with
His People.
* Jesus was "made perfect" by suffering and obeying the Father.
* Jesus came as an infant in order for Him to experience human life, with all its trials and
temptations, triumphantly.
* Because the Son of God was tried, tested, and found blameless, he is able as our great
High Priest to offer the unique sacrifice of Himself on earth and then to take that offering
into the presence of His Father in heaven to avail perpetually for His people.
Next time we'll look at the third saving event in Christ's life - His death.
Monday, December 12, 2011
'Salvation Accomplished By the Son: The Work Of Christ'
I've been reading a great new book by Robert A. Peterson, entitled 'Salvation Accomplished By The Son: The Work Of Christ.'
Here is an introduction and a few highlights of what I've read so far (it's a long book and I have a long way to go to finish).
*A popular Christian symbol seen on cars and other places is the fish.
'Fish,' when spelled in Greek letters (ichthys) was an ancronym for "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior."
* Reasons to read this book:
1. Christ's death is debated.
2. Christ's resurrection is neglected.
3. Christ's death and resurrection and death are part of His story.
4. Christ's death and resurrection are interpreted by pictures.
Christ is our Reconciler, Redeemer, Legal Substitute, Victor, Second Adam, and Sacrifice.
*Christ's nine saving events:
1. Incarnation 2. Sinless life 3. Death 4. Resurrection 5. Ascension
6. Session 7. Pentecost 8. Intercession 9. Second Coming
Hebrews 2:14-17 - "Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death He might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery."
"For surely it is not angels that He helps, but He helps the offspring of Abraham. Therefore He had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people."
* Peterson points out that Christ could represent mankind only if He became one with them. In order for Christ to turn aside the wrath of God against guilty sinnners, He had to become one with them and die as a substitute for them.
* If the Son had not become a human being, He could not have lived a sinless human life, died, and risen again to deliver his people.
* He could not have ascended, sat down at God's right hand, poured out the Holy Spirit, interceded for His own, and come again.
* To perform these saving works, He had to become one of us.
* Bethlehem (The cradle) led to Calvary (The cross) where the purpose of Christ's coming was achieved.
" For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45
" The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost," 1 Timothy 1:15.
Then the resurrection.
In the next blog, I'll look at the second of Christ's saving events - Christ's sinless life.
Here is an introduction and a few highlights of what I've read so far (it's a long book and I have a long way to go to finish).
*A popular Christian symbol seen on cars and other places is the fish.
'Fish,' when spelled in Greek letters (ichthys) was an ancronym for "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior."
* Reasons to read this book:
1. Christ's death is debated.
2. Christ's resurrection is neglected.
3. Christ's death and resurrection and death are part of His story.
4. Christ's death and resurrection are interpreted by pictures.
Christ is our Reconciler, Redeemer, Legal Substitute, Victor, Second Adam, and Sacrifice.
*Christ's nine saving events:
1. Incarnation 2. Sinless life 3. Death 4. Resurrection 5. Ascension
6. Session 7. Pentecost 8. Intercession 9. Second Coming
Hebrews 2:14-17 - "Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death He might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery."
"For surely it is not angels that He helps, but He helps the offspring of Abraham. Therefore He had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people."
* Peterson points out that Christ could represent mankind only if He became one with them. In order for Christ to turn aside the wrath of God against guilty sinnners, He had to become one with them and die as a substitute for them.
* If the Son had not become a human being, He could not have lived a sinless human life, died, and risen again to deliver his people.
* He could not have ascended, sat down at God's right hand, poured out the Holy Spirit, interceded for His own, and come again.
* To perform these saving works, He had to become one of us.
* Bethlehem (The cradle) led to Calvary (The cross) where the purpose of Christ's coming was achieved.
" For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45
" The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost," 1 Timothy 1:15.
Then the resurrection.
In the next blog, I'll look at the second of Christ's saving events - Christ's sinless life.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Does Jesus Need My Permission To Save Me? (Conclusion)
Here's a summary of what we've shown about God's sovereignty in salvation so far.
* Faith and repentance do not come from within us, but are gifts from God.
* God chose His people in Jesus Christ, before the foundation of the world, according to His pleasure and will.
* God gives His people understanding so that they can know Him.
* God does not choose someone because of anything that person does, but because of His own
sovereign will.
* God changes us by taking our heart of stone and replacing it with a heart of flesh, and puts His
Spirit within us.
* No one can come to God unless the Father draws him, and those who come, Jesus will never cast
out, but will raise up on the last day.
* God raises His people from spiritual death.
I'll close this series with words from two giants of Reformed theology (John Piper and A.W. Pink),
regarding God's sovereignty in salvation, and then a few comments of my own.
John Piper - Five Statements
1. God gives His chosen ones to Jesus.
2. Because God gives them to Jesus, they come to Jesus.
3. Those who are given to Jesus, come to Jesus, and are omnipotently and eternally kept by Jesus.
None is lost.
4. Jesus will raise us from the dead on the last day.
5. Finally, the unshakeable foundation for all this sovereign work of God - His giving, our coming,
His keeping, His raising - the unshakeable foundation of it all, is the will of God!
A.W. Pink
"God has 'ordained to eternal life,' certain ones, and that in consequence of His ordination, they in due time, 'believe;' that God's ordintation to salvation of His elect, is not due to any good thing in them, nor to anything meritorious from them, but solely of His 'grace;' that God has designedly selected the most unlikely objects to be the receipents of His special favors, in order that 'no flesh should glory in His presence;' that God chose His people in Christ before the foundation of the world,
not because they were so, but in order that they should be holy and without blame before Him;'
That having selected certain ones to salvation, He also decreed the means by which His eternal
counsel should be made good; that the very 'grace' by which we are saved was, in God's purpose, 'given us in Christ Jesus before the world began;' that long before they were actually created, God's elect stood present before His mind, were 'foreknown' by Him, i.e., were the definite objects of His
eternal love."
God has ordained His children to eternal life, and at the appointed time each one WILL BELIEVE.
Acts 13:48 - "When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and
Jesus does not need my permission to save me.
Jonah 2:9b - "Salvation is of the Lord."
2 Thessalonians 2:13 - "But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because FROM THE BEGINNING, GOD CHOSE YOU TO BE SAVED THROUGH THE SANCTIFYING WORK OF THE SPIRIT AND THROUGH BELIEF IN THE TRUTH."
God is not waiting for us to believe in Him, because he knows that one day, because of His mercy
and grace, all of His children will be redeemed.
Romans 8:28-30 - "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him,
who have been called according to His purpose. For those God foreknew He also predestined to be
conformed to the likeness of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers."
"And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified,
He also glorified."
God is so kind and considerate and merciful, that He will keep His promise to save His children, and according to Mark 13:27, "He will send His angels and gather His elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven."
I am so grateful that, when I should have been destined to hell because of my sins, at the appointed
time, God reached down, grabbed me, and turned me around, and graciously granted me the repentance and faith I needed to trust in Him for salvation!
Thank You Jesus!!!
* Faith and repentance do not come from within us, but are gifts from God.
* God chose His people in Jesus Christ, before the foundation of the world, according to His pleasure and will.
* God gives His people understanding so that they can know Him.
* God does not choose someone because of anything that person does, but because of His own
sovereign will.
* God changes us by taking our heart of stone and replacing it with a heart of flesh, and puts His
Spirit within us.
* No one can come to God unless the Father draws him, and those who come, Jesus will never cast
out, but will raise up on the last day.
* God raises His people from spiritual death.
I'll close this series with words from two giants of Reformed theology (John Piper and A.W. Pink),
regarding God's sovereignty in salvation, and then a few comments of my own.
John Piper - Five Statements
1. God gives His chosen ones to Jesus.
2. Because God gives them to Jesus, they come to Jesus.
3. Those who are given to Jesus, come to Jesus, and are omnipotently and eternally kept by Jesus.
None is lost.
4. Jesus will raise us from the dead on the last day.
5. Finally, the unshakeable foundation for all this sovereign work of God - His giving, our coming,
His keeping, His raising - the unshakeable foundation of it all, is the will of God!
A.W. Pink
"God has 'ordained to eternal life,' certain ones, and that in consequence of His ordination, they in due time, 'believe;' that God's ordintation to salvation of His elect, is not due to any good thing in them, nor to anything meritorious from them, but solely of His 'grace;' that God has designedly selected the most unlikely objects to be the receipents of His special favors, in order that 'no flesh should glory in His presence;' that God chose His people in Christ before the foundation of the world,
not because they were so, but in order that they should be holy and without blame before Him;'
That having selected certain ones to salvation, He also decreed the means by which His eternal
counsel should be made good; that the very 'grace' by which we are saved was, in God's purpose, 'given us in Christ Jesus before the world began;' that long before they were actually created, God's elect stood present before His mind, were 'foreknown' by Him, i.e., were the definite objects of His
eternal love."
God has ordained His children to eternal life, and at the appointed time each one WILL BELIEVE.
Acts 13:48 - "When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and
Jesus does not need my permission to save me.
Jonah 2:9b - "Salvation is of the Lord."
2 Thessalonians 2:13 - "But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because FROM THE BEGINNING, GOD CHOSE YOU TO BE SAVED THROUGH THE SANCTIFYING WORK OF THE SPIRIT AND THROUGH BELIEF IN THE TRUTH."
God is not waiting for us to believe in Him, because he knows that one day, because of His mercy
and grace, all of His children will be redeemed.
Romans 8:28-30 - "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him,
who have been called according to His purpose. For those God foreknew He also predestined to be
conformed to the likeness of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers."
"And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified,
He also glorified."
God is so kind and considerate and merciful, that He will keep His promise to save His children, and according to Mark 13:27, "He will send His angels and gather His elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven."
I am so grateful that, when I should have been destined to hell because of my sins, at the appointed
time, God reached down, grabbed me, and turned me around, and graciously granted me the repentance and faith I needed to trust in Him for salvation!
Thank You Jesus!!!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Does Jesus Need My Permission To Save Me? Part 6
Let's look at a passage that causes some to object to God's divine election of His people.
Revelation 3:20 - "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and
opens the door, I will come and eat with him, and he with me."
Is Jesus talking about knocking on the door of someone's heart, pleading with him to let him
come in? John MacArthur, pastor for over 40 years, says of Revelation 20:3 - "Rather than allowing
for the common interpretation of Christ's knocking on a person's heart, the context demands that
Christ was seeking to enter this church, in Laodicea, that bore His name, but lacked a single true
"This poignant letter was His knocking. If one member would recognize his spiritual bankruptcy
and respond in saving faith, He would enter the church."
Matthew 18:20 - "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them."
Apparently, members were gathering, but not in Jesus' name. If Jesus saw any sign of repentance
and faith among its members, He would enter the church, and the believers would produce fruit.
It has been said that Jesus is a "gentleman" and will not "force" anyone to believe in Him, but considering what we have shown of God's sovereignty in salvation, the word "forced" doesn't seem to be the right word to describe what God does in regenerating a person.
As an example, take Saul (Paul) and his conversion experience. On the road to Damascus, to
persecute Christians, he was suddenly blinded by a light from heaven that flashed around him. He
then heard the voice of Jesus, speaking to him, saying, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?"
Jesus ordered Saul to enter the city and he would be told what to do next. A believer in Damascus,
Ananias, was told by God to go to Saul and lay hands on him, so that he could regain his sight. When
Ananias hesistated because of Saul's reputation as a persecutor of Christians, God said to him, "Go, for he is a CHOSEN instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the
children of Israel" (Acts 9:15).
Ananias obeyed and went to Saul and laying hands on him, told him, "'Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight
and be filled with the Holy Spirit.'" And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he
regained his sight. Then he rose and was baptized'" (Acts 9:17-18).
Jesus didn't wait for Saul to say the "sinner's prayer" or "walk the aisle" and "decide to follow Jesus."
He simply took His chosen instrument and turned his heart of stone into a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26),
and Saul was miraculously saved!
It was obvious to everyone he met that Saul's heart was changed because he immediately proclaimed
Jesus in the synagogues, saying, "He is the Son of God" (Acts 9:20).
Later, Saul (now known as Paul), produced spiritual fruit when told Lydia of Thyatira, about Jesus. Acts 16:40 - "The Lord OPENED HER HEART to respond to Paul's message." Through God's sovereign grace, Lydia also was saved.
Just as Jesus raised Lazarus from physical death, He raises His people from spiritual death (Ephesians 2:1 - "As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins"). When Jesus told him to come forth from the grave, Lazarus didn't say, "No thanks. I kind of like it in here, where it's nice and
Lazarus obeyed and arose from the dead by Jesus' power, just as we who believe are raised from
spiritual death when the Holy Spirit regenerates us. Jesus replaces our heart of stone with a heart of
flesh, so that we can believe, and gives life to a dead sinner.
2 Corinthians 5:17 - "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new."
We shouldn't feel that God has "forced" us to do anything we didn't want to do. He has changed us
and made us willing to come to Him. We should be grateful that God is so generous, kind, gracious,
considerate, and merciful, that He would change our hearts and bring us salvation.
No one is pulled kicking and screaming and protesting into the Kingdom of God. Anyone who comes to Jesus, does so because of God's mercy shown to him, when God drew him to himself, and
softened his heart, making him willing and able to receive salvation.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Does Jesus Need My Permission To Save Me? Part 5
We must believe to be saved, and John 3:16 tells us that whoever believes in Jesus will not perish, but have everlasting life; but it does not tell us who CAN and WILL believe.
John 6:44 - (Jesus said), "NO ONE CAN COME TO ME UNLESS THE FATHER WHO SENT ME DRAWS HIM. And I will raise him up on the last day." Only those the Father draws to Jesus CAN come to Him. All others are UNABLE to come to him.
John 6:37 - (Jesus said), "All the Father gives (draws to) me WILL COME to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out." Here we see that God's SAVING GRACE IS IRRESISTIBLE - those the Father gives to Jesus WILL COME to Him for salvation.
Only God's chosen people (the elect) CAN and WILL believe in Jesus. All others CANNOT and WILL NOT believe.
John 10:26-29 - (Jesus said), "But you (Jews gathered around Him) do not believe because YOU ARE NOT PART OF MY FLOCK. MY SHEEP hear my voice, and I KNOW THEM, and THEY FOLLOW ME."
"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand."
Notice that Jesus did NOT say, "You are not part of my flock because you don't believe." He said, "You do not believe because you are not part of my flock."
Jesus also said no one can snatch them out of His hand or the Father's hand, showing that both Son and Father securely hold all believers in their hands.
All of this is further proof of God's sovereignty in salvation!
In part six, an objection to God's divine election answered.
John 6:44 - (Jesus said), "NO ONE CAN COME TO ME UNLESS THE FATHER WHO SENT ME DRAWS HIM. And I will raise him up on the last day." Only those the Father draws to Jesus CAN come to Him. All others are UNABLE to come to him.
John 6:37 - (Jesus said), "All the Father gives (draws to) me WILL COME to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out." Here we see that God's SAVING GRACE IS IRRESISTIBLE - those the Father gives to Jesus WILL COME to Him for salvation.
Only God's chosen people (the elect) CAN and WILL believe in Jesus. All others CANNOT and WILL NOT believe.
John 10:26-29 - (Jesus said), "But you (Jews gathered around Him) do not believe because YOU ARE NOT PART OF MY FLOCK. MY SHEEP hear my voice, and I KNOW THEM, and THEY FOLLOW ME."
"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand."
Notice that Jesus did NOT say, "You are not part of my flock because you don't believe." He said, "You do not believe because you are not part of my flock."
Jesus also said no one can snatch them out of His hand or the Father's hand, showing that both Son and Father securely hold all believers in their hands.
All of this is further proof of God's sovereignty in salvation!
In part six, an objection to God's divine election answered.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Does Jesus Need My Permission To Save Me? Part 4
Romans 9:11-13, shows that God does not choose someone for salvation based on anything that person does, but because of God's sovereign will. "Though they (Jacob and Esau) were not yet born and HAD DONE NOTHING GOOD OR BAD - in order that GOD'S PURPOSE OF ELECTION might continue, NOT BECAUSE OF WORKS, but BECAUSE OF HIM WHO CALLS - she (Rebekah) was told, 'The older will serve the younger.' As it is written, Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.'"
Paul then goes on to explain why God uses election and answers any objections to this doctrine. Romans 9:14-18 : "What then shall we say? Is there injustice on God's part? By no means! For He says to Moses, 'I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.'
"So then it depends NOT ON HUMAN WILL OR EXERTION, BUT ON GOD, who has mercy."
"For the Scripture says to Pharoah, 'For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may SHOW MY POWER in you, and that MY NAME MIGHT BE PROCLAIMED IN ALL THE EARTH.' So then, He has mercy on whomever HE WILL, and He hardens whomever He wills."
Martin Luther writes in 'The Bondage of the Will' - "But now that God has taken my salvation out of the control of my own will, and put it under the control of His, and promised to save me, not according to my working or running, but according to His own grace and mercy, I have the comfortable certainty that He is faithful and will not lie to me, and that He is also great and powerful, so that no devils or opposition can break Him or pluck me from Him."
God has the right to do with His creatures whatever He wishes, even if we don't understand why He does some things Isaiah 55:8-9 : "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Now that we see that God is totally in control of our salvation, how does He save us? How do we believe?
First, we need to realize that our hearts must be changed or we won't believe. Jeremiah 17:9 : "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" We need a new heart, and God gives it to us.
All of this is God's doing, not ours. Philippians 1:29 : "For it HAS BEEN GRANTED TO YOU that for the sake of Christ YOU SHOULD NOT ONLY BELIEVE IN HIM, but also suffer for His sake."
Philippians 2:12-13 shows that it is God who works in us to believe for his good pleasure. "Therefore my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now not only in my (Paul's) presence but much more in my absence, work out your SALVATION, with fear and trembling, for IT IS GOD WHO WORKS IN YOU, BOTH TO WILL AND TO WORK FOR HIS GOOD PLEASURE."
John MacArthur writes about the phrase "work out your salvation" : 'This does not refer to salvation by works, but the believer's responsibility for active pursuit of obedience in the process of sanctification.'
When God gives us a new heart, we are REGENERATED (born again) and are now able to believe. Preacher and author, Dan Phillips explains what happens to believers. "Regeneration precedes and provokes saving faith. Like flicking a light switch precedes filling a dark room with bright light. But not by much. The relationship is causal."
"Adam received life when God breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life. Spiritually, we are alive through faith, but our very exercise of faith is a grace-gift from God, breathed into us through regeneration. Our newborn hearts embrace Jesus as Lord."
How do we believe? Phillips continues, "By a miraculous work of grace, God the Father takes pity on our dead, lost, God-hating selves. He breathes His life into us, bringing sight to blind eyes, life to dead spirits, and the submission of repentant faith to hard, rebellious hearts."
In part five, we'll see who CAN believe.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thankful Everyday
Everybody, even unbelievers, should be thankful to God for the many ways He blesses us.
Christians, above all people, should thank God everyday for one main reason - Jesus!!!
Jesus is our:
REDEEMER - He rescued us from hell. "Praise the Lord, who redeems your life from the pit..."
Psalm 103:4
SACRIFICE - He gave Himself for our sake. "God presented Him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in His blood." Romans 3:25
LORD - He is our Master and God. "... Jesus Christ who is Lord of all." Acts 10:36
RECONCILER - He has made us right with God the Father. "... our Lord Jesus Christ through whom we have now received reconciliation." Romans 5:11
BROTHER - God conforms us to Jesus' likeness. "... that He (Jesus) might be the firstborn among many brothers." Romans 8:29
HEALER - He heals our bodies. "... heals all our diseases." Psalm 103:3
FORGIVER - He takes away our sins. "... forgives all your sins." Psalm 103:3
RANSOM - He paid for our lives with His. "... to give His life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:28
REFUGE - He is our hiding place. "... for God is our refuge." Psalm 62:8
STRENGTH - He makes us strong. "... for God is our refuge and strength." Psalm 46:1
FORTRESS - He is our safe place. "... for you are my fortress." Psalm 59:16
HOPE - He is our anchor. "We have this hope as an anchor." Hebrews 6:19
INTERCESSOR - He pleads for us before the Father. "... He always lives to intercede for them." Hebrews 7:25
ROCK - We can stand firmly on His promises. "He is the rock; his works are perfect." Deuteronomy 32:4
SHEPHERD - He knows us and protects us. "I am the good shepherd: I know my sheep and my sheep know me." John 10:14
FRIEND - He is our friend if we obey Him. "You are my friends if you do what I command." John 15:14
SAVIOR - He saves us from our sins. "... He will save His people from their sins." Matthew 1:21
Thank you Jesus !!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Does Jesus Need My Permission To Save Me? Part 3
So far, we've learned that we are all sinners in need of a Savior, and that God gives to us (His people) the repentance and faith we need, to believe in Jesus Christ for salvation.
In addition, we've seen that God elects or chooses His people for salvation, according to His good pleasure, not because of anything we might do.
The ultimate purpose of election to salvation is the glory of God.
Is God totally sovereign in regard to salvation, or is it up to each person to "decide" to "accept" Jesus as Savior? "Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God - children born NOT OF NATURAL DESCENT, NOR OF HUMAN DECISION, OR A HUSBAND'S WILL, BUT BORN OF GOD" (John 1:12-13).
Therefore, salvation is not our choice, will or decision. It is God's!
This passage also makes clear that only those who have RECEIVED Jesus and BELIEVED IN HIS NAME, are called "children of God." Remember that the next time you hear someone say, "well, we're all God's children." That's not true!
Why do some believe and others do not? Is it because some are more intelligent or quicker to discern their need for salvation? Romans 3:9-12 : "What shall we (saints) conclude then? Are we any better?
Not at all! We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin."
"As it is written, 'There is no one righteous, not even one; there is NO ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS, NO ONE WHO SEEKS GOD. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; THERE IS NO ONE WHO DOES GOOD, NOT EVEN ONE.'"
Romans 8:6-8 : "The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, NOR CAN IT DO SO. Those controlled by the sinful nature CANNOT PLEASE GOD."
A.W. Pink, theologian and prolific author wrote, "It is God Himself who makes the difference between the elect and non-elect, for of His own it is written - 'We know also that the Son of God has come and HAS GIVEN US UNDERSTANDING, so that we may know him who is true'" (1 John 5:20).
God has given unbelievers over to the "sinful desires of their hearts" (Romans 1:24), and "shameful lusts" (Romans 1:26). "Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth" (Romans 2:2).
Peter tells us in 1 Peter 1:3-5 : "According to His great mercy, He has CAUSED US TO BE BORN AGAIN to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who BY GOD'S POWER are being guarded through faith FOR A SALVATION ready to be revealed in the last time."
In verse two of the same chapter, Peter informs us to whom he is writing this letter: "To those who are elect exiles ... according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ ..." .
Many hold to the traditional belief that God "foreknew" who would believe in Him, and as a result, God "chose" that person for salvation, for that reason. But whenever God's "foreknowledge" is mentioned in the Bible, it is referring to God's foreknowledge of someONE, not someTHING (although God certainly knows everything that will ever happen before it happens).
God's foreknowledge means that He has an intimate relationship with a person. John 10:14-15 : (Jesus said), "I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep." Jesus is speaking of His children (believers) here.
On the other hand, Jesus tells unbelievers, "I never knew you, depart from me you workers of lawlessness" (Matthew 7:23). Of course, Jesus "knows" who everyone is - He created them - but He doesn't have a close, intimate relationship with unbelievers. He has that only with believers.
In part four we will look at the "fairness" of God's divine election.
In addition, we've seen that God elects or chooses His people for salvation, according to His good pleasure, not because of anything we might do.
The ultimate purpose of election to salvation is the glory of God.
Is God totally sovereign in regard to salvation, or is it up to each person to "decide" to "accept" Jesus as Savior? "Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God - children born NOT OF NATURAL DESCENT, NOR OF HUMAN DECISION, OR A HUSBAND'S WILL, BUT BORN OF GOD" (John 1:12-13).
Therefore, salvation is not our choice, will or decision. It is God's!
This passage also makes clear that only those who have RECEIVED Jesus and BELIEVED IN HIS NAME, are called "children of God." Remember that the next time you hear someone say, "well, we're all God's children." That's not true!
Why do some believe and others do not? Is it because some are more intelligent or quicker to discern their need for salvation? Romans 3:9-12 : "What shall we (saints) conclude then? Are we any better?
Not at all! We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin."
"As it is written, 'There is no one righteous, not even one; there is NO ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS, NO ONE WHO SEEKS GOD. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; THERE IS NO ONE WHO DOES GOOD, NOT EVEN ONE.'"
Romans 8:6-8 : "The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, NOR CAN IT DO SO. Those controlled by the sinful nature CANNOT PLEASE GOD."
A.W. Pink, theologian and prolific author wrote, "It is God Himself who makes the difference between the elect and non-elect, for of His own it is written - 'We know also that the Son of God has come and HAS GIVEN US UNDERSTANDING, so that we may know him who is true'" (1 John 5:20).
God has given unbelievers over to the "sinful desires of their hearts" (Romans 1:24), and "shameful lusts" (Romans 1:26). "Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth" (Romans 2:2).
Peter tells us in 1 Peter 1:3-5 : "According to His great mercy, He has CAUSED US TO BE BORN AGAIN to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who BY GOD'S POWER are being guarded through faith FOR A SALVATION ready to be revealed in the last time."
In verse two of the same chapter, Peter informs us to whom he is writing this letter: "To those who are elect exiles ... according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ ..." .
Many hold to the traditional belief that God "foreknew" who would believe in Him, and as a result, God "chose" that person for salvation, for that reason. But whenever God's "foreknowledge" is mentioned in the Bible, it is referring to God's foreknowledge of someONE, not someTHING (although God certainly knows everything that will ever happen before it happens).
God's foreknowledge means that He has an intimate relationship with a person. John 10:14-15 : (Jesus said), "I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep." Jesus is speaking of His children (believers) here.
On the other hand, Jesus tells unbelievers, "I never knew you, depart from me you workers of lawlessness" (Matthew 7:23). Of course, Jesus "knows" who everyone is - He created them - but He doesn't have a close, intimate relationship with unbelievers. He has that only with believers.
In part four we will look at the "fairness" of God's divine election.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Does Jesus Need My Permission To Save Me? Part 2
In part one, we noted that man needs repentance and faith to be saved, and we established that both are gifts from God. Faith and repentance are not something that comes from within us, but are granted to us by God.
Giving us these things is not all God has done for us, of course. Let's go back to the beginning - before the foundation of the world.
"And He made known to us the MYSTERY OF HIS WILL ACCORDING TO HIS GOOD PLEASURE, which HE PURPOSED IN CHRIST, to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment - to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ."
"IN HIM WE WERE ALSO CHOSEN, HAVING BEEN PREDESTINED ACCORDING TO THE PLAN OF HIM WHO WORKS OUT EVERYTING IN CONFORMITY WITH THE PURPOSE OF HIS WILL, in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory."
"And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation.
John MacArthur writes, "The doctrine of election is emphasized throughout Scripture (Deut. 7:6; Isa 45:4; John 6:44; Acts 13:48; Rom. 8:29; 9:11; 1 Thess. 1:3-4; 2 Thess 2:13; 2 Tim. 2:10; 1 Pet. 1:2). The form of the Greek verb behind "chose" indicates that God not only chose by Himself but for Himself to the praise of His own glory" (Eph. 1:6, 12, 14).
"God's election or predestination does not operate apart from or nullify man's responsibility to believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior" (Matt. 3:1-2; 4:17; John 5:40).
(To be declared holy and blameless) means "unrighteous persons are declared righteous, unworthy sinners are declared worthy of salvation, all because they are chosen "in Him" (Christ). This refers to Christ's imputed righteousness to us (2 Cor. 5:21; Phil. 3:9), a perfect righteousness which places believers in a holy and blameless positon before God."
(Adoption) means "God miraculously give His own nature to those whom He has elected and who have trusted in Christ. He makes them His children in the image of His Son, giving them not just Christ's riches and blessings but also His very nature" (John 15:15; Rom. 8:15).
"THE ULTIMATE PURPOSE OF ELECTION TO SALVATION IS THE GLORY OF GOD" (Eph. 1:12, 14; Phil. 2:13; 2 Thess. 1:11-12).
(Sealed with the Holy Spirit) means "God's own Spirit comes to indwell the believer and secures and preserves His eternal salvation. The Holy Spirit is given by God as His pledge of the believer's future inheritance in glory" (2 Cor. 1:21).
In Ephesians 1:1, Paul tells us to whom he is writing this letter: The SAINTS (Christians, believers, elect, the chosen ones of God). When he uses the words "us," "we," and also "you," he is referring to the saints or elect, not to everyone in the world.
Unbelievers are not "chosen," "predestined," "adopted," or "marked" in Him. Those words apply only to God's people.
So, as you can see from all the above, God is the one who does the choosing and deciding in regards to salvation.
The answer to the question in the title of this series is "No, Jesus does not need our permission to save us." Yes, we do need to repent and trust in Him, but as we've shown, repentance and faith are gifts from God, that he "lavishes upon us," because He loves us.
If He didn't give them to us, we would never come to Him and believe (more about this in parts six and seven).
Repentance and faith and salvation, all come TOTALLY from God, not from within us.
What a wonderful God He is to choose, predestine, adopt, and mark US, His people, for salvation!!!
In part three, we'll look even more closely at God's sovereignty in salvation.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Does Jesus Need My Permission To Save Me?
Have you ever thought about the answer to that question? Are we in charge of our salvation, or is God? Or is it a combination of the two?
Can we as pitiful, weak, sinful human beings thwart God's plan to save us, even if He decreed our salvation before the world was created?
Who is the "ultimate decider" of our final destiny? Is it our "choice," or is it God's?
Is God sovereign (in control) over EVERYTHING, including salvation, or is that the one thing God leaves in our own hands?
Just this morning, I heard a conversation on the radio. They were talking about Tim Tebow, quarterback for the Denver Broncos, who is an outspoken Christian, and a target of some for being so open with his faith.
The caller said that maybe God was the reason for Tebow's success this year, although he then added, "not that I think God decides the outcomes of football games."
I thought to myself, "why not?" If God is sovereign, then He is in control of everything, right? Is God just a passive observer, who sits back and watches over things in the universe, and steps in only when He feels He is really needed?
Or is He actively involved in every little detail of people's lives? If God is not in control of a football game, then He's not really sovereign, is He? What else is He not in control of?
It's been said that, "There's not a leaf that falls, that God does not have His hand in it."
The writer of Proverbs 16:9 tells us, "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps." John MacArthur explains, "Sovereign God overrules the plans of man to fulfill His purposes."
I've asked a lot of questions, and now I hope to answer to them in this series.
Here's part one.
The Savior is waiting to enter your heart.
Why don't you let him come in?
There's nothing in this world to keep you apart,
What is your answer to him?
Time after time he has waited before.
And now he is waiting again,
To see if you're willing to open the door,
Oh, how he wants to come in.
- The Savior Is Waiting
This is the first verse of a popular hymn, written I'm sure with wonderful sentiment, but is the theology behind it biblical? Is God waiting for us to let Him come into our hearts, or will His people be saved as God decrees it?
This song is about salvation, but from what do we need to be saved? The answer: God's wrath!
Romans 2:5 - "But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God's righteous judgment will be revealed."
Because God is holy, righteous, perfect, and just, we (sinners) must pay for the sins we commit against Him. The major theme throughout the Bible (Old and New Testaments) is that sinners need to repent of their sins and trust in God.
Jesus said, "I tell you; unless you repent, you will all likewise perish" (Luke 13:3).
"Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household" (Acts 16:31).
We need repentance and faith to be saved, but from where do these things come? They are gifts from God!
Ephesians 2:8-9 - "For it is by grace you have been saved, through FAITH - and this not from yourselves, it is the GIFT OF GOD - not by works, so that no one can boast."
Faith, along with grace and salvation, is a gift from God.
Repentance is also a gift from God.
"God exalted Him to His own right hand as Prince and Savior that He might GIVE REPENTANCE and forgiveness of sins to Israel" (Acts 5:31).
Another verse that shows God grants repentance as a gift is Acts 3:26 ("When God raised up His Servant, He sent Him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways").
Therefore, faith and repentance do not come from within us, but are given to us by God.
We deserve no credit for either.
God provides faith, grace, repentance, and salvation.
I know I haven't answered the question, "Does God need my permission to save me?" but I will, later in this series.
God did something wonderful "before the creation of the world."
Do you know what He did?
I'll tell you about it in part two.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Sovereignty of God and Man's Responsibility in Salvation
Christians, in general, subscribe to one of two belief systems in regards to God's sovereignty and man's responsibility in salvation.
1. SYNERGISM - The belief that salvation involves some form of cooperation between God's divine grace and man's freedom to choose. The emphasis is on TWO subjects (in this case, God and man) ,
working together, leading to the man's salvation.
This theory holds that the soul has not lost in the fall, all inclination toward holiness, nor all power to seek for it under the influence of ordinary motives.
Also, that Jesus died on the cross to make salvation POSSIBLE for anyone who, through faith, "decides" to "accept" Jesus as his personal Savior.
In this system of beliefs, God provides something called "prevenient grace" to a person. This grace
precedes any human decision, and allows a person to use his God-given free will to choose the salvation
offered by God in Jesus Christ, or to reject the offer.
In other words, God leaves it up to man to make the final decision.
In effect, man is the "ultimate decider" in this belief system.
2.MONERGISM - The belief that regeneration (being born again) is the work of Jesus Christ alone
(as applied by the Holy Spirit), not the cooperation of God and man, and not the result of unregenerate man meeting a condition (such as faith) before regeneration takes place.
The prefix "mono" means "one," "single," or "alone," while ergon means "to work." Together, it means "the work of one" (in this case, God).
This system teaches that because of the sinful condition passed on from Adam, man is unable to please God, and CANNOT come to Him for salvation on his own. God provides everything man needs for salvation, including a new heart to believe and understand the gospel.
Repentance and faith on the man's part are necessary, but they are gifts from God, not something man does on his own.
God is the "Ultimate Decider" in this belief system.
This system also holds that Jesus' death was an "actual" or "effectual" atonement for those who believe, not one that makes salvation "possible."
I was a synergist most of my life, even though I was unfamiliar with the term until about three years ago.
That's when I began studying "reformed theology."
Almost immediately, it was as if a light was turned on in a dimly lit room, and I could see clearly.
Now, I have better understanding of the gospel, salvation, repentance, and faith, and how God has sovereignty over all of it.
In my next blog post, I'll take a closer look at God's sovereignty and man's responsibility in salvation, in a series entitled, "Does Jesus Need My Permission To Save Me?"
1. SYNERGISM - The belief that salvation involves some form of cooperation between God's divine grace and man's freedom to choose. The emphasis is on TWO subjects (in this case, God and man) ,
working together, leading to the man's salvation.
This theory holds that the soul has not lost in the fall, all inclination toward holiness, nor all power to seek for it under the influence of ordinary motives.
Also, that Jesus died on the cross to make salvation POSSIBLE for anyone who, through faith, "decides" to "accept" Jesus as his personal Savior.
In this system of beliefs, God provides something called "prevenient grace" to a person. This grace
precedes any human decision, and allows a person to use his God-given free will to choose the salvation
offered by God in Jesus Christ, or to reject the offer.
In other words, God leaves it up to man to make the final decision.
In effect, man is the "ultimate decider" in this belief system.
2.MONERGISM - The belief that regeneration (being born again) is the work of Jesus Christ alone
(as applied by the Holy Spirit), not the cooperation of God and man, and not the result of unregenerate man meeting a condition (such as faith) before regeneration takes place.
The prefix "mono" means "one," "single," or "alone," while ergon means "to work." Together, it means "the work of one" (in this case, God).
This system teaches that because of the sinful condition passed on from Adam, man is unable to please God, and CANNOT come to Him for salvation on his own. God provides everything man needs for salvation, including a new heart to believe and understand the gospel.
Repentance and faith on the man's part are necessary, but they are gifts from God, not something man does on his own.
God is the "Ultimate Decider" in this belief system.
This system also holds that Jesus' death was an "actual" or "effectual" atonement for those who believe, not one that makes salvation "possible."
I was a synergist most of my life, even though I was unfamiliar with the term until about three years ago.
That's when I began studying "reformed theology."
Almost immediately, it was as if a light was turned on in a dimly lit room, and I could see clearly.
Now, I have better understanding of the gospel, salvation, repentance, and faith, and how God has sovereignty over all of it.
In my next blog post, I'll take a closer look at God's sovereignty and man's responsibility in salvation, in a series entitled, "Does Jesus Need My Permission To Save Me?"
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Does Jesus Draw Everybody To Himself?
(Jesus said), "But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself." John 12:32
Does the word "all" in John 12:32, mean every person in the world will be drawn to Jesus?
Before we dive into that particular verse, let's look at what other passages in the Bible have to say about God's drawing people to Himself. I'll use some deductive reasoning, examine the context of the verse, and also take a close look at how the word "all" is used in the Bible.
First, I'll define two terms: deduction and logic.
Deduction- The deriving of a conclusion by reasoning.
Logic- Sound reasoning.
(Jesus said), "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day." John 6:44
In case you missed how profound this verse is regarding salvation, I'll repeat it.
"NO ONE CAN COME TO ME unless the Father who sent me DRAWS HIM. And I WILL RAISE HIM UP on the last day."
These words of Jesus lead us to some conclusions:
1. Only those the Father draws to Jesus will come to Him. This is a limited number.
2. On the last day, Jesus will raise the ones the Father draws to Him.
3. God does not draw EVERYONE, because many will not be raised (because of their unbelief).
(Jesus said), "...unless you believe I AM you will die in your sins" (John 8:24b). In other words you will not be raised.
(Jesus also said), "All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out." John 6:37
Once again, some conclusions can be drawn from this verse:
1. God does NOT give EVERYONE to Jesus. He gives only SOME people to Jesus (this is
called ELECTION - Ephesians 1:3-14).
2. Everyone will NOT come to Jesus. Only the limited number of people God gives to Jesus
will come to Him, because we know many will be cast into the lake of fire ("And if anyone's
name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire"- Rev.
3. Jesus will cast out many and not raise them up.
4. EVERYONE the Father gives (or draws) to Jesus, WILL come to Him, and He will not
cast them out, and will raise them up on the last day.
We tend to assume that Jesus is referring to every person in the world when He refers to drawing
"all men," but the context defines the meaning of the word "all."
For example, in a meeting of department heads, called by a manager, he may ask, "Are we ALL here?" or "Is EVERYONE here?" Obviously, he is referring to department heads, not every person in the world. The word "all" is used within a context.
The manager is not referring to all major league baseball players, or all doctors in the country. To take the word "all" out of context and say the manager was referring to every person on earth, would be a total misinterpretation of the word's usage. Context defines the interpretation.
Let's look at some other passages of scripture and see how the word "all" is used in context.
1. Isaiah 25:8a- (Referring to the end times) "The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears from ALL faces." Will God wipe away the tears of those who have been cast into hell because of their unbelief? No! Only believers will have their tears wiped away.
2. Luke 2:1- "A decree went out from Caesar Augustus that ALL THE WORLD should be registered "(or taxed). The whole world? The Roman Empire was vast, but even it did not cover the entire planet.
3. Colossians 3:11- "Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is "ALL' and is in "ALL." The NIV commentary says, "Christ transcends all barriers and unifies people from all cultures, races, and nations. Such distinctions are no longer significant. Christ alone matters."
4. 1 Corinthians 15:22- "For as in Adam "ALL" die, so in Christ "ALL" will be made alive." NIV commentary says, "All who are in Adam - his descendants - suffer death. All who are in Christ - related to Him by faith - will be made alive at the resurrection" (John 5:25).
The Greek word for "all" is "pas," which according to the universally accepted, respected, and used
Strong's Greek Lexicon means: 1. Individually
1a) each, every, any, all, the whole, everyone, all things, everything
2. Collectively
The lexicon makes the point that "all" usually does not mean "all" as we often use it in English. In fact, it rarely does. Christ has redeemed "some of all sorts" (Some Jews, some Gentiles, some rich, some poor, and has not restricted His redemption to Jews or Gentiles only).
Revelation 5:9b - "With your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation."
John 12:20-22 reveals the context of verse 32. Some Greeks had come to Philip, seeking Jesus.
Dr. James White, in his book 'The Potter's Freedom,' describes the setting: "John 12 narrates the final events of Jesus' public ministry. After this particular incident, the Lord will go into a period of private ministry to His disciples right before He goes to the cross. The final words of Jesus' public teachings are prompted by the arrival of Greeks who are seeking Jesus."
"This important turn of events prompts the teaching that follows. Jesus is now being sought by non- Jews, Gentiles. It is when Jesus is informed of this that He says, 'The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.'" THIS IS THE CONTEXT which leads to Jesus' words in verse 32: 'And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.'"
"Lifted up" refers to Jesus' death on the cross, through which Jesus will draw all kinds of men, all kinds of people to Himself, including Jews and non-Jews. We should understand that the Jews were astonished that Jesus would say that He would draw people who were not Jews to Himself. Jesus wanted to make it clear to the Jews that even some Gentiles would be saved.
So does the Bible teach that everyone is drawn to the cross? 1 Corinthians 1:22-24 says, "For indeed Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block, and to Gentiles foolishness, but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God."
Dr. James White continues, " Christ is the power and wisdom to "the called," while the cross of Christ is foolishness to the world. These considerations along with the immediate context of the Gentiles seeking Christ, make it clear that if He is lifted up in crucifixion, He will draw all men, Jews and Gentiles, to Himself. This is exactly the same as saying that he has sheep not of this fold (John 10:16), the Gentiles, who become one body in Christ" (Ephesians 2:13-16).
If we assume that God draws every single person to Himself, then we end up with the unbiblical doctrine of universalism (everyone will be saved). Of course scripture teaches that not all will inherit eternal life (Revelation 20:11-15).
God has a Sovereign purpose for drawing His people to Himself, from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation!
Sources: John Samson
James White
Mark Kielar
Does the word "all" in John 12:32, mean every person in the world will be drawn to Jesus?
Before we dive into that particular verse, let's look at what other passages in the Bible have to say about God's drawing people to Himself. I'll use some deductive reasoning, examine the context of the verse, and also take a close look at how the word "all" is used in the Bible.
First, I'll define two terms: deduction and logic.
Deduction- The deriving of a conclusion by reasoning.
Logic- Sound reasoning.
(Jesus said), "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day." John 6:44
In case you missed how profound this verse is regarding salvation, I'll repeat it.
"NO ONE CAN COME TO ME unless the Father who sent me DRAWS HIM. And I WILL RAISE HIM UP on the last day."
These words of Jesus lead us to some conclusions:
1. Only those the Father draws to Jesus will come to Him. This is a limited number.
2. On the last day, Jesus will raise the ones the Father draws to Him.
3. God does not draw EVERYONE, because many will not be raised (because of their unbelief).
(Jesus said), "...unless you believe I AM you will die in your sins" (John 8:24b). In other words you will not be raised.
(Jesus also said), "All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out." John 6:37
Once again, some conclusions can be drawn from this verse:
1. God does NOT give EVERYONE to Jesus. He gives only SOME people to Jesus (this is
called ELECTION - Ephesians 1:3-14).
2. Everyone will NOT come to Jesus. Only the limited number of people God gives to Jesus
will come to Him, because we know many will be cast into the lake of fire ("And if anyone's
name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire"- Rev.
3. Jesus will cast out many and not raise them up.
4. EVERYONE the Father gives (or draws) to Jesus, WILL come to Him, and He will not
cast them out, and will raise them up on the last day.
We tend to assume that Jesus is referring to every person in the world when He refers to drawing
"all men," but the context defines the meaning of the word "all."
For example, in a meeting of department heads, called by a manager, he may ask, "Are we ALL here?" or "Is EVERYONE here?" Obviously, he is referring to department heads, not every person in the world. The word "all" is used within a context.
The manager is not referring to all major league baseball players, or all doctors in the country. To take the word "all" out of context and say the manager was referring to every person on earth, would be a total misinterpretation of the word's usage. Context defines the interpretation.
Let's look at some other passages of scripture and see how the word "all" is used in context.
1. Isaiah 25:8a- (Referring to the end times) "The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears from ALL faces." Will God wipe away the tears of those who have been cast into hell because of their unbelief? No! Only believers will have their tears wiped away.
2. Luke 2:1- "A decree went out from Caesar Augustus that ALL THE WORLD should be registered "(or taxed). The whole world? The Roman Empire was vast, but even it did not cover the entire planet.
3. Colossians 3:11- "Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is "ALL' and is in "ALL." The NIV commentary says, "Christ transcends all barriers and unifies people from all cultures, races, and nations. Such distinctions are no longer significant. Christ alone matters."
4. 1 Corinthians 15:22- "For as in Adam "ALL" die, so in Christ "ALL" will be made alive." NIV commentary says, "All who are in Adam - his descendants - suffer death. All who are in Christ - related to Him by faith - will be made alive at the resurrection" (John 5:25).
The Greek word for "all" is "pas," which according to the universally accepted, respected, and used
Strong's Greek Lexicon means: 1. Individually
1a) each, every, any, all, the whole, everyone, all things, everything
2. Collectively
The lexicon makes the point that "all" usually does not mean "all" as we often use it in English. In fact, it rarely does. Christ has redeemed "some of all sorts" (Some Jews, some Gentiles, some rich, some poor, and has not restricted His redemption to Jews or Gentiles only).
Revelation 5:9b - "With your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation."
John 12:20-22 reveals the context of verse 32. Some Greeks had come to Philip, seeking Jesus.
Dr. James White, in his book 'The Potter's Freedom,' describes the setting: "John 12 narrates the final events of Jesus' public ministry. After this particular incident, the Lord will go into a period of private ministry to His disciples right before He goes to the cross. The final words of Jesus' public teachings are prompted by the arrival of Greeks who are seeking Jesus."
"This important turn of events prompts the teaching that follows. Jesus is now being sought by non- Jews, Gentiles. It is when Jesus is informed of this that He says, 'The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.'" THIS IS THE CONTEXT which leads to Jesus' words in verse 32: 'And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.'"
"Lifted up" refers to Jesus' death on the cross, through which Jesus will draw all kinds of men, all kinds of people to Himself, including Jews and non-Jews. We should understand that the Jews were astonished that Jesus would say that He would draw people who were not Jews to Himself. Jesus wanted to make it clear to the Jews that even some Gentiles would be saved.
So does the Bible teach that everyone is drawn to the cross? 1 Corinthians 1:22-24 says, "For indeed Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block, and to Gentiles foolishness, but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God."
Dr. James White continues, " Christ is the power and wisdom to "the called," while the cross of Christ is foolishness to the world. These considerations along with the immediate context of the Gentiles seeking Christ, make it clear that if He is lifted up in crucifixion, He will draw all men, Jews and Gentiles, to Himself. This is exactly the same as saying that he has sheep not of this fold (John 10:16), the Gentiles, who become one body in Christ" (Ephesians 2:13-16).
If we assume that God draws every single person to Himself, then we end up with the unbiblical doctrine of universalism (everyone will be saved). Of course scripture teaches that not all will inherit eternal life (Revelation 20:11-15).
God has a Sovereign purpose for drawing His people to Himself, from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation!
Sources: John Samson
James White
Mark Kielar
Friday, November 11, 2011
Was Adam Real?
There's a movement gaining momentum throughout the church today, even in conservative evangelical circles, that promotes the concept that Adam represented mankind, and was not a literal, single, individual, person.
This idea comes about primarily to accomodate the advocates' belief in theistic evolution (that God is the creator of all life and biological evolution is simply a natural process within the creation). Let's look at evidence from the Old and New testaments, to see if this thinking is compatible with the Biblical story of creation, and the theme of the Bible, that God will save His people.
Old Testament
1. Genesis chapters 1-4 are written as prose or historical narrative and Adam is presented as a real person in a real place and time.
Genesis chapters 1-11 contain 64 geographical terms, 88 personal names, 48 generic names, and at least 21 identifiable cultural items, such as wood, metals, buildings, musical instruments, etc.
2. Dates for events in Adam's life: He begat a son in his own image at the age of 130 years named Seth, and lived 800 more years after that and died at the age of 930 years (these are specific numbers).
3. Genesis is seamless history without an obvious transition from non-historical to historical (Abraham, Jacob, etc). The phrase, "These are the generations of" includes Adam along with Noah, Abraham, etc.
4. All biblical geneologies trace the human race back to one man-Adam. The geneology of the first chapter of 1 Chronicles presents Adam with numerous other undisputed historic individual people. There are gaps, but there is no hint that some parts of it are historical and others are not.
New Testament
1. In Matthew 19:3-9, Jesus answered a question on divorce by referring to God's institution of marriage with Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:21-25). His point would have no point if neither ever existed.
2. Luke, a historian, wanted to show that Jesus was the savior of Jews and Gentiles. Christ's geneology (Luke 2:23-38) can be traced back to the first man, and father of all humanity-Adam. It would undermine Luke's argument to be using a mythical figure to make a theological point.
3. Paul refers to Adam in Acts 17:26, when he says "God made from one man every nation of mankind," so we should trust one another, as made in God's image, and obey Him. A few verses later, v.31, Paul preaches the resurrection of Christ.
If Paul begins his presentation of the gospel with a myth why should he be believed when he presents the resurrection in the same sermon?
To teach that one (creation of man) is a myth and other (resurrection of Jesus) is true, is illogical and arbitrary.
4. In Romans 5:12-21, Paul parallels Adam's representative role with Christ's. One acted for many. He underlines the historicity of Adam by speaking of a period when death reigned, as being from Adam to Moses. "Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned- - for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law (Romans 5:12-13)."How could sin spread to all men if Adam is generalized humanity?
Adam is described as a "type" of one to come (Christ). "Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come. But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man's trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many (Romans 5:14-15)."
In the Bible, a "type" is always an historical person, action or event appointed by God to be a foreshadowing, a pointer, to the fulfillment, yet to come in Christ. It is a redemptive history. A type is not merely an allegory, but an historical reality.
John MacArthur illustrates the importance of Jesus' redemption of His people, because of the sin that Adam committed. He writes, "Adam passed to all his descendants the inherent sinful nature he possessed because of his first disobedience. When Adam sinned, all mankind sinned in his loins.
Because all humanity existed in the loins of Adam, and have through procreation inherited his falleness and depravity, it can be said that all sinned in him." Thus the need for Jesus to come as Savior.
Al Mohler explains, " This is Paul's way of telling the story of the Bible and the meaning of the Gospel. If Adam was not a historical figure, and thus if there was no Fall into sin, and all humanity did not thus sin in Adam, then Paul's telling of the Gospel is wrong. Furthermore, Paul was simply mistaken to believe that Adam had been a real human being."
5. Paul contrasts Adam and Christ in 1 Corinthians 15:20-22, 44-49. While the death of Adam causes the death of his descendants, the resurrection of Christ causes the resurrection of His people. If Adam is mythical, perhaps Jesus is too.
Al Mohler writes, "The denial of a Adam and Eve as the first human pair severes the link between Adam and Christ which is so crucial to the gospel. If we do not know how the story of the Gospel begins, then we do not know what that story means. Make no mistake: a false start to the story produces a false grasp of the Gospel."
Mohler continues, "Adam acts, speaks, marries, reproduces, dies, and is listed in the geneolgy of Jesus."
The Bible makes clear that sin entered the world through one man, Adam, and redemption comes through one man, Jesus!
Jesus was real and so was Adam!
Sources: Reformation Theology
John MacArthur
Al Mohler
The Bible
This idea comes about primarily to accomodate the advocates' belief in theistic evolution (that God is the creator of all life and biological evolution is simply a natural process within the creation). Let's look at evidence from the Old and New testaments, to see if this thinking is compatible with the Biblical story of creation, and the theme of the Bible, that God will save His people.
Old Testament
1. Genesis chapters 1-4 are written as prose or historical narrative and Adam is presented as a real person in a real place and time.
Genesis chapters 1-11 contain 64 geographical terms, 88 personal names, 48 generic names, and at least 21 identifiable cultural items, such as wood, metals, buildings, musical instruments, etc.
2. Dates for events in Adam's life: He begat a son in his own image at the age of 130 years named Seth, and lived 800 more years after that and died at the age of 930 years (these are specific numbers).
3. Genesis is seamless history without an obvious transition from non-historical to historical (Abraham, Jacob, etc). The phrase, "These are the generations of" includes Adam along with Noah, Abraham, etc.
4. All biblical geneologies trace the human race back to one man-Adam. The geneology of the first chapter of 1 Chronicles presents Adam with numerous other undisputed historic individual people. There are gaps, but there is no hint that some parts of it are historical and others are not.
New Testament
1. In Matthew 19:3-9, Jesus answered a question on divorce by referring to God's institution of marriage with Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:21-25). His point would have no point if neither ever existed.
2. Luke, a historian, wanted to show that Jesus was the savior of Jews and Gentiles. Christ's geneology (Luke 2:23-38) can be traced back to the first man, and father of all humanity-Adam. It would undermine Luke's argument to be using a mythical figure to make a theological point.
3. Paul refers to Adam in Acts 17:26, when he says "God made from one man every nation of mankind," so we should trust one another, as made in God's image, and obey Him. A few verses later, v.31, Paul preaches the resurrection of Christ.
If Paul begins his presentation of the gospel with a myth why should he be believed when he presents the resurrection in the same sermon?
To teach that one (creation of man) is a myth and other (resurrection of Jesus) is true, is illogical and arbitrary.
4. In Romans 5:12-21, Paul parallels Adam's representative role with Christ's. One acted for many. He underlines the historicity of Adam by speaking of a period when death reigned, as being from Adam to Moses. "Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned- - for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law (Romans 5:12-13)."How could sin spread to all men if Adam is generalized humanity?
Adam is described as a "type" of one to come (Christ). "Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come. But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man's trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many (Romans 5:14-15)."
In the Bible, a "type" is always an historical person, action or event appointed by God to be a foreshadowing, a pointer, to the fulfillment, yet to come in Christ. It is a redemptive history. A type is not merely an allegory, but an historical reality.
John MacArthur illustrates the importance of Jesus' redemption of His people, because of the sin that Adam committed. He writes, "Adam passed to all his descendants the inherent sinful nature he possessed because of his first disobedience. When Adam sinned, all mankind sinned in his loins.
Because all humanity existed in the loins of Adam, and have through procreation inherited his falleness and depravity, it can be said that all sinned in him." Thus the need for Jesus to come as Savior.
Al Mohler explains, " This is Paul's way of telling the story of the Bible and the meaning of the Gospel. If Adam was not a historical figure, and thus if there was no Fall into sin, and all humanity did not thus sin in Adam, then Paul's telling of the Gospel is wrong. Furthermore, Paul was simply mistaken to believe that Adam had been a real human being."
5. Paul contrasts Adam and Christ in 1 Corinthians 15:20-22, 44-49. While the death of Adam causes the death of his descendants, the resurrection of Christ causes the resurrection of His people. If Adam is mythical, perhaps Jesus is too.
Al Mohler writes, "The denial of a Adam and Eve as the first human pair severes the link between Adam and Christ which is so crucial to the gospel. If we do not know how the story of the Gospel begins, then we do not know what that story means. Make no mistake: a false start to the story produces a false grasp of the Gospel."
Mohler continues, "Adam acts, speaks, marries, reproduces, dies, and is listed in the geneolgy of Jesus."
The Bible makes clear that sin entered the world through one man, Adam, and redemption comes through one man, Jesus!
Jesus was real and so was Adam!
Sources: Reformation Theology
John MacArthur
Al Mohler
The Bible
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Tigers and Lions and Saints....Oh My!
What a week it's been in the world of football!
LSU wins its biggest regular season game in... well, maybe ever, beating Alabama 9-6, in overtime.
The Saints continued their up and down season with an up note, beating Tampa Bay, a team they lost to three weeks earlier.
Of course, the last few days, the biggest story has been the child sexual abuse and perjury charges coming out of Penn St.
Starting in Baton Rouge, things have been relatively quiet compared to the unbelievable hype of the previous two weeks leading up to the Bama game. LSU's defense deserves most of the credit for the hard fought victory.
Both offenses struggled against the other team's superior defense, but the Tigers' kicking game (field goals and punting) was the difference.
Looking ahead for LSU: 1) Jarrett Lee struggled at QB, throwing two straight interceptions, after having only one passed intercepted through the first games, so who is the #1 QB now?
Jordan Jefferson ran the offense pretty well, making no major blunders, but leading the team to only two field goals in regulation.
I hope Lee gets a chance to redeem himself against Western Kentucky, because the team is going to need him if it is going to win the national championship.
Sticking strictly with Jefferson, means going back to the offense that struggled mightily the last two seasons, especially throwing the ball. More Jefferson means less Rueben Randle, because Lee and Randle have better chemistry.
Lee will be needed without a doubt when the offense can't move the ball in upcoming games.
2)The upcoming schedule: LSU should win the next two games (West. Kentucky and Ole Miss), but then comes probably the greatest chance for a loss the rest of the way for the Tigers.
If the Razorbacks are able to come into Baton Rouge and win, then there would most likely be a three way tie for first in the west (LSU, Arkansas, and Alabama). I don't know what the tiebreaker would be, but most likely the highest ranked team would play in the conference championship against Georgia or South Carolina.
Georgia has won seven in a row, after dropping its first two games of the season. They will not be easy to beat in the Georgia Dome if they win the east. If LSU just plays the way it's been playing, then the Tigers WILL play for the national championship against OK St., Stanford, or Boise St.
Staying in Louisiana, the Saints are really hard to figure out this season. They lost the close one to Green Bay on the road, then won four in a row, but have gone 2-2 since then.
They lost to Tampa Bay in a game that they should have won, then destroyed the Colts, and looked like the best team in the league.
They then followed up that game with their worst outing of the year, losing to the previously winless Rams in St. Louis.
Continuing their up and down ways, they beat the Bucs last Sunday to avenge the earlier loss in Tampa Bay.
Looking ahead: The Saints travel to Atlanta on Sunday and can take a 1 1/2 game lead over the Falcons with a win, but a loss will put them 1/2 game behind Atlanta. New Orleans needs to improve its defense, especially in the red zone, where it is dead last in the league, and run the ball better if it wants to go any where in the playoffs.
The bottom line is that the Saints probably will have to beat Green Bay at Lambeau Field in January to make it to the Super Bowl. That will be a tough task.
The scandal at Penn St. is getting worse by the day, as victim after victim comes forward to implicate former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky.
That the alleged sexual abuse of little boys by Sandusky went on for so many years with some strong evidence that something was terribly wrong, is almost unbelievable. Of course, the coverup only made things even worse, costing the president, head coach Joe Paterno, and two other officials their jobs.
The rioting that happened yesterday after the announcement of Paterno's firing was completely uncalled for. It may be nothing more than an excuse for young people to get drunk and vandalize property, more than outrage over what happened to Paterno.
It's a shame that Paterno's career had to end this way, but he should have done more when he was informed about the abuse that was happening right under his nose.
What if one of those little boys had been his grandchild ( I understand he has 17 grandkids)? I bet he would have done a lot more if that had been the case.
What happened to those boys is much more important than Joe Paterno's job and a football game on Saturday against Nebraska.
LSU wins its biggest regular season game in... well, maybe ever, beating Alabama 9-6, in overtime.
The Saints continued their up and down season with an up note, beating Tampa Bay, a team they lost to three weeks earlier.
Of course, the last few days, the biggest story has been the child sexual abuse and perjury charges coming out of Penn St.
Starting in Baton Rouge, things have been relatively quiet compared to the unbelievable hype of the previous two weeks leading up to the Bama game. LSU's defense deserves most of the credit for the hard fought victory.
Both offenses struggled against the other team's superior defense, but the Tigers' kicking game (field goals and punting) was the difference.
Looking ahead for LSU: 1) Jarrett Lee struggled at QB, throwing two straight interceptions, after having only one passed intercepted through the first games, so who is the #1 QB now?
Jordan Jefferson ran the offense pretty well, making no major blunders, but leading the team to only two field goals in regulation.
I hope Lee gets a chance to redeem himself against Western Kentucky, because the team is going to need him if it is going to win the national championship.
Sticking strictly with Jefferson, means going back to the offense that struggled mightily the last two seasons, especially throwing the ball. More Jefferson means less Rueben Randle, because Lee and Randle have better chemistry.
Lee will be needed without a doubt when the offense can't move the ball in upcoming games.
2)The upcoming schedule: LSU should win the next two games (West. Kentucky and Ole Miss), but then comes probably the greatest chance for a loss the rest of the way for the Tigers.
If the Razorbacks are able to come into Baton Rouge and win, then there would most likely be a three way tie for first in the west (LSU, Arkansas, and Alabama). I don't know what the tiebreaker would be, but most likely the highest ranked team would play in the conference championship against Georgia or South Carolina.
Georgia has won seven in a row, after dropping its first two games of the season. They will not be easy to beat in the Georgia Dome if they win the east. If LSU just plays the way it's been playing, then the Tigers WILL play for the national championship against OK St., Stanford, or Boise St.
Staying in Louisiana, the Saints are really hard to figure out this season. They lost the close one to Green Bay on the road, then won four in a row, but have gone 2-2 since then.
They lost to Tampa Bay in a game that they should have won, then destroyed the Colts, and looked like the best team in the league.
They then followed up that game with their worst outing of the year, losing to the previously winless Rams in St. Louis.
Continuing their up and down ways, they beat the Bucs last Sunday to avenge the earlier loss in Tampa Bay.
Looking ahead: The Saints travel to Atlanta on Sunday and can take a 1 1/2 game lead over the Falcons with a win, but a loss will put them 1/2 game behind Atlanta. New Orleans needs to improve its defense, especially in the red zone, where it is dead last in the league, and run the ball better if it wants to go any where in the playoffs.
The bottom line is that the Saints probably will have to beat Green Bay at Lambeau Field in January to make it to the Super Bowl. That will be a tough task.
The scandal at Penn St. is getting worse by the day, as victim after victim comes forward to implicate former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky.
That the alleged sexual abuse of little boys by Sandusky went on for so many years with some strong evidence that something was terribly wrong, is almost unbelievable. Of course, the coverup only made things even worse, costing the president, head coach Joe Paterno, and two other officials their jobs.
The rioting that happened yesterday after the announcement of Paterno's firing was completely uncalled for. It may be nothing more than an excuse for young people to get drunk and vandalize property, more than outrage over what happened to Paterno.
It's a shame that Paterno's career had to end this way, but he should have done more when he was informed about the abuse that was happening right under his nose.
What if one of those little boys had been his grandchild ( I understand he has 17 grandkids)? I bet he would have done a lot more if that had been the case.
What happened to those boys is much more important than Joe Paterno's job and a football game on Saturday against Nebraska.
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