Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Holiness in Spirit

          Highlights from chapter twelve of The Pursuit of Holiness, by Jerry

                                  "Since we have these promises, dear friends,
                                   let us purify ourselves from everything that
                                   contaminates body and spirit, perfecting
                                   holiness out of reverance for God."
                                                                             2 Corinthians 7:1

          Jesus taught us in the Sermon on the Mount that God's commands are
     intended not only to regulate outward conduct, but inner disposition as well.
     It is not enough that we do not kill; we must not also not hate.  It is not e-
     nough that we do not commit adultery, we must not even entertain lustful
     looks and thoughts.

          The Bible indicates that our thought lives ultimately determine our char-
           Solomon said,

                                 "For as he thinks within himself, so he is."
                                                                             Proverbs 23:7

          An old well known verse puts it this way:

                                "Sow a thought, reap an act;
                                 Sow an act, reap a habit;
                                 Sow a habit, reap a character."

          It is because of the importance of our thought lives that Paul said,

                               "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever
                                is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
                                whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -
                                if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -
                                think about such things."
                                                                  Philippians 4:8

          As Christians we are no longer to be conformed to the pattern of this
     world but we are to be renewed in our minds.

                              "... to be made new in the attitude of your
                               minds; and to put on the new self, created
                               to be like God in true righteousness and
                                                              Ephesians 4:23-24

           Holiness begins in our minds and works out to our actions.  This being
     true, what we allow to enter our minds is critically important.

          The world around us constantly seeks to conform our minds to its sin-
     ful ways.

          Paul warned us,

                              "But among you there must not be even a hint
                               of sexual immorality, or of any kind of im-
                               purity, or of greed, because these are improp-
                               er for God's holy people.

                             "Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or
                              coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather
                                                                   Ephesians 5:3-4

          "Not even a hint of immorality" places any suggestive speech whatso-
     ever outside the bounds of a holy walk.

          We must purify ourselves not only from the gross sins of the body,
     but also from the more "acceptable" sins of the spirit.  Alas, here again
     we Christians have so often failed miserably.

          Focusing on our particular group's list of do's and don'ts, we neglect
     the inner life where envy, pride, bitterness, and a critical, unforgiving
     spirit may reign unchecked.

          The cure for the sin of envy and jealousy is to find our contentment in
     God.  Only when Asaph was enabled to say to God,

                               "Earth has nothing I desire besides you"
                                (Psalm 73:25), was he delivered from the
                                sin of envy.

          Another defilement of spirit that has shipwrecked many Christians is
     bitterness.  Bitterness arise in our hearts when we do not trust in the Sov-
     ereign rule of God in our lives.

          Bitterness toward people is the result of an unforgiving spirit.  Some-
     one has wronged us, either apparently or actually, and we refuse to for-
     give that person.  Instead we harbor thoughts of bitterness toward the
     person.  We refuse to forgive because we will not recognize that God has
     forgiven us of far, far greater wrongs.

         Closely akin to bitterness is the spirit of retaliation.  When we are
     wronged, the tendency is to retaliate - often in our minds if not in actions.

          Paul wrote,

                                "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave
                                 room for God's wrath, for it is written:  'It
                                 is mine to avenge, I will repay,' says the
                                                                  Romans 12:19

          One of the most difficult defilements of spirit to deal with is the
     critical spiritA critical spirit has its root in pride.  We are quick to
     see -- and to speak of -- the faults of others, but slow to see our own

         We forget that,

                                 "a man who stirs up dissension among brothers"
                                  by criticizing one to another is one of the "six
                                  things which the Lord hates."
                                                                        Proverbs 6:16-19

          All of these attitudes -- envy, jealousy, bitterness, and unforgiving and
     retaliatory spirit, and a critical and gossiping spirit -- defile us and keep us
     from being holy before God.

          We need to pray daily for humility and honesty to see these sinful atti-
     tudes for what they really are, and then for grace and discipline to root
     them out of our minds and replace them with thoughts pleasing to God.


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Holiness in Body

          More highlights from The Pursuit of Holiness, by Jerry Bridges, but first
     a verse from Paul and comment from John MacArthur.

                                "No, I beat (or discipline) my body and make it my slave so
                                 that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be dis-
                                 qualified for the prize."
                                                                          1 Corinthians 9:27

          " 'Discipline' is from a term literally meaning to "hit under the eye."  Paul knocked
     out the bodily impulses to keep them from preventing him from his mission of win-
     ning souls to Christ."


          Chapter eleven - Holiness in Body

          True holiness includes control over our physical bodies and appetites.  If we are to
     pursue holiness we must recognize that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and
     that we are to glorify God with them.

          Our physical bodies and natural appetites were created by God and are not sinful in
     themselves.  Nevertheless, if left uncontrolled, we will find our bodies becoming "in-
     struments of wickedness" rather than "instruments of righteousness."

                                 "Do not present your members to sin as instruments for
                                  unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those
                                  who have been brought from death to life, and your mem-
                                  bers to God as instruments for righteousness,"
                                                                                           Romans 6:13

          We will be pursuing the "cravings of sinful man" instead of holiness.

                                 "For all that is in the world -- the desires of the flesh and
                                  the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions -- is not
                                  from the Father but is from the world.  And the world is
                                  passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the
                                  will of God abides forever."
                                                                                       1 John 2:16-17


          Paul urged us to "present our bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God,
     and to not be conformed to this world" (Romans 12:1-2).  Quite possibly there is no
     greater conformity to the world among evangelical Christians today than the way in
     which we, instead of presenting our bodies as holy sacrifices, pamper and indulge
     them in defiance of our better judgment and our Christian purpose in life.

          We should all examine ourselves as to whether we eat and drink to the glory of God,
    recognizing that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit.  The habit of always giv-
    ing in to the desire for food or drink will extend to other areas.

           There must be an attitude of dilegent obedience in every area if we are to succeed
    in mortifying any one expression of sin.  Thomas Boston wrote, "They that would keep
    themselves pure must have their bodies in subjection, and that may require, in some
    cases, a holy violence."


          The place to start controlling the cravings of our physical appetites is to reduce our
    exposure to temptation.  Our sinful cravings are strengthened by temptation.
          Paul told us, "Flee the evil desires of youth" (2 Timothy 2:22).  He also said, "Do
    not think about how to gratify the desires of your sinful nature" (Romans 13:14).


          We are to flee temptation and take positive steps to avoid it, and we are to avoid
    thinking how to gratify our sinful desires.

                                          "The prudent see danger and take refuge,
                                            but the simple keep going and suffer for
                                                                               Proverbs 27:12


          God expects us to assume our responsibilities for keeping the sinful desires of the
    body under control.  It is true we cannot do this in our own strength.  Our sinful de-
    sires, stimulated by all the temptations around us, are too strong for us.  But though
    we cannot do it by ourselves, we can do it.

          As we set ourselves to the task in dependence upon the Holy Spirit, we will see
    Him at work in us.  We will fail many times, but as we persevere, we will be able to
    say with Paul,

                               "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."
                                                                                           Philippians 4:13



Saturday, July 28, 2012

New Birth, Faith, Then Righteousness

          Does faith lead to the new birth, which leads to righteous living, or does
     the new birth lead to faith, which in turn leads to righteousness?

          The Bible teaches the latter - regeneration (the new birth or being born again) is
     necessary before a sinner can believe and therefore live a righteous life.

          THE NEW BIRTH

          Because sinners are dead in their sins,

                                        "And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which
                                         you once walked, following the course of this world, ...
                                         and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of
                                                                              Ephesians 2:1-2a,5

          they must be raised to new life by God through Christ.

                                         "But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love
                                          with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our
                                          trespasses, MADE US ALIVE TOGETHER WITH CHRIST -
                                          BY  GRACE YOU HAVE BEEN SAVED  ..."
                                                                               Ephesians 2:4-5

           How does God make us alive?

                                          "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you;
                                           I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you
                                           a heart of flesh.  And I will put my Spirit in you and move
                                           you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.
                                           ... you will be my people, and I will be your God.  I will
                                           save you from all your uncleanness."
                                                                                          Ezekiel 36:26-29a

            The sinner is now spiritually alive with a new heart that responds to God, and follows
     Him in salvation.      



                                        "Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has
                                         been born of God, and everyone who loves the
                                         Father loves whoever has been born of Him."
                                                                                         1 John 5:1 ESV

           In this verse, we see that "everyone who believes (already has faith) that Jesus is the
     Christ HAS BEEN BORN OF GOD (BORN AGAIN), and everyone who loves the Father
     HAS BEEN BORN OF HIM" (BORN AGAIN).  "Has been" is an indication that the new
     birth as already happened, and then the person believes and is saved.

          John MacArthur comments:

                        "Saving faith is the first characteristic of an overcomer. ('For everyone who has
      been born of God overcomes the world.  And this is the victory that has overcome the world -
     our faith.  Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the
     Son of God'  1 John 5:4-5).  The term 'believes' conveys the idea of continuing faith, making
     the point that the mark of genuine believers is that they continue in faith throughout their life.

                         "Saving belief is not simply intellectual acceptance, but whole-hearted dedication
     to Jesus Christ that is permanent.   Whoever places faith in Jesus Christ as the only Savior HAS
     BEEN BORN AGAIN and, as a result, is an overcomer.

                          " 'Born of God' is a reference to the new birth and is the same word that Jesus used
     in John 3:7.  The tense of the Greek verb indicates that ongoing faith is the result of the new birth
     and, therefore, the evidence of the new birth.

                          "Love is the second characteristic of the overcomer.  The overcomer not only be-
     lieves in God, but loves both God and fellow believers."



          Loving God and fellow believers shows that the person is living a righteous life, and is
     evidence of the new birth.

                           "If you know that he is righteous, you may be sure that everyone
                            who practices righteousness has been born of Him."
                                                                                      1 John 2:29

          MacArthur comments again:

                          "Those truly born again as God's children have their heavenly Father's
          righteous nature."

                          " ...what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness."
                                                                                            2 Peter 3:11b

          (If we have faith, we will live righteously, or our faith is useless and dead).

                           "For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart
                            from works is dead."
                                                                                             James 2:26

          MacArthur continues:

                           "As a result of being born again, we will display characteristics of God's
     righteousness.  John looks from effect (righteous behavior) to cause (being truly born again)
     to affirm that righteous living is the proof of being born again."


          The NEW BIRTH ----- leads to ----- FAITH ----- which leads to ----- RIGHTEOUSNESS!


Friday, July 27, 2012

Tolerance for Thee, But Not for Me

          Tolerance - A fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions and
     practices that differ from one's own.


          We conservative Christians are told all the time that we need to be tolerant, but
     apparently tolerance is a one way street.  Unless we completely accept every form
     of behavior known to man, no matter how sinful it may be, then we are labeled
     "bigots" and "haters," simply for standing on the principles that the Bible is the
     Word of God, and there is a right and wrong.

          Tolerance has become the most important virtue.  Actually, tolerance is not enough
     for the liberal folks who call us "haters" for holding to different opinions and beliefs than
     they hold.  Total acceptance and confirmation is now necessary, and if you dare to offer
     a contrary thought then you will be subject to some of the vilest, crudest, and profane
     comments ever uttered or written.  But WE are the ones who are intolerant?

          Funny how the other side can't see that they are the ones who are intolerant of our
     sincerely held beliefs.  Boston's and Chicago's mayors have both said that they would not
     allow Chick-fil-A to do business in their cities.  Chicago's mayor said that Chick-fil-A's
     values and Chicago's values are not the same.  Can't disagree with that since Chicago is
     known as one of the most corrupt cities in America.  They are oblivious to the notion
     that are hypocritical when they claim to believe in tolerance for ALL people, but have
     no problem with discriminating against a business, simply because it is run by a Christian
     who expressed his beliefs.

          By now, everyone has heard about Chick-fil-A's CEO, Dan Cathy, and his comments
    and support of  "traditional (or biblical) marriage."  One of my Facebook friends commented
    on his page about Cathy's "ignorant" beliefs -- the same beliefs held by my friend's hero
    Barack Obama until a few months ago when he announced his position had "evolved" on
    so called "gay marriage" (now they call it "marriage equality").

          Obama mocked the Old Testament before he became president, and recently mocked the
    "obscure passage" in the New Testament that Christians point to as proof that the concept of
    "gay marriage" is unbiblical.


          Mr. Cathy's beliefs mirror those of someone else -- Jesus Christ.
    The other side like to say, "Jesus never said ANYTHING about homosexuality," but is that
    true?  They also say that the Bible doesn't condemn it.

          That's not true, and let me explain why.  According to orthodox Christian theology, Jesus
    is the second person of the trinity, and He is God, just as the Father and Holy Spirit are God.
          The Bible, which Christians believe is God's holy Word, clearly teaches that homosexuality
    is wrong (ex. Rom 1:26-28; 1 Tim 1:9; 1 Cor 6:9), and while God didn't literally write the words
    on the page Himself, he was actively involved in the process.

                                          "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for
                                           teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in
                                           righteousness ..."
                                                                                    2 Timothy 3:16

          "Sometimes God told the Bible writers the exact words to say ('Then the LORD reached
    out His hand and touched my mouth and said to me, 'Now, I have put my words in your mouth'
    Jeremiah 1:9), but more often He used their minds, vocabularies, and experiences to produce
    His own perfect, infallible, inerrant word" (John MacArthur).

                                         "... no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's
                                          own interpretation.  For no prophecy was ever pro-
                                          duced by the will of man, but MEN SPOKE FROM
                                          GOD as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit."
                                                                                     2 Peter 1:20-21

          God, Himself was actually the Author of the Bible!


          Jesus also let it be known with His own words in Matthew 19:4-6, what God meant
    marriage to be -- ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN!

                                        "He (Jesus) answered, 'Have you not read that He who
                                         created them from the beginning made them MALE and
                                         FEMALE, and said, 'Therefore A MAN shall leave his
                                         FATHER and MOTHER, and hold fast to his WIFE, and
                                         the two shall become one flesh?'  So they are no longer
                                         two but one flesh."
                                                                                          Matthew 19:4-6a

          ONE MAN shall leave his father (ONE MAN) and mother (ONE WOMAN),
     and hold fast to his wife (ONE WOMAN), and the two shall become one.

          Since Jesus is God, the Author of  the Bible, which clearly condemns homosexuality,
     then He HAS let His views about marriage be known.


          I am not naive enough to think that because the Bible is clear about this subject then
     that settles the issue. 

          The intolerance by many of our Christian beliefs  will continue, but we Christians must
     stand on the Word of God, and not be bullied into being quiet about them.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Making Your Calling and Election Sure

                                              "Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to make
                                                your calling and election sure, for if you practice
                                                these qualities you will never fall.  For in this way
                                                there will be richly provided for you an entrance
                                                into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior
                                                Jesus Christ."
                                                                                                  2 Peter 1:10-11

          Peter wrote this letter to fellow Christians, who had "obtained a faith of equal
     standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ"
     (2 Peter 1:1b).

          These are the same people, fellow believers, Peter had written before:

                                             "Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,
                                              to those who are elect exiles of
                                              the dispersion ... according to the
                                              foreknowledge of God the Father,
                                              in the sanctification of the Spirit,
                                              for obedience to Jesus Christ and
                                              for sprinkling with His blood:
                                              May grace and peace be multiplied
                                              to you."
                                                                          1 Peter 1:1-2


          Before we go any further, let's define three terms.
          Election - Before the foundation of the world, God chose particular, individual peo-
     ple from the mass of fallen humanity unto salvation, without regard to any merit or fore-
     seen faith in them, but solely based on His sovereign intentions.  (Definition by Theopedia)

         The elect are those particular people called and chosen by God.

         The "calling" refers to "God's effectual calling of His elect that brings them to salvation"
    (John MacArthur).


          Lest there be any doubt that God's election is biblical, Ephesians 1:3-14, 1 Thessa-
     lonians 5:9-10, and 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14 (among many other passages) refer to God's
     choosing or electing people to salvation.

          The elect people of God are referred to in Matthew 24:22,31;  Mark 13:20,22;  Luke 18:7;
      Romans 8:33;  2 Timothy 2:10;  Titus 1:1; and 1 John 1:1,13, along with other passages.

          The people in 2 Peter 1:1, had "obtained ("received" or were "given," in other translations)
     a faith equal to Peter's by the righteousness of Jesus Christ.  In other words, it was a gift  from
     God (Philippians 1:29a; Acts 16:14b; Acts 13:48; 1 Thessalonians 5:9), not something that
     originated within them.


          They were elect of God "according to the foreknowledge of God the Father" (1 Pet 1:2).
     Foreknowledge is also known as "foreloved."  God's foreknowledge refers to His foreknowing
     or foreloving someONE, not someTHING.  It means that "God had a predetermined plan to
     set His love on someone and establish an intimate relationship -- or His election --, not that
     He observed something beforehand" (John MacArthur).        

          These people had their names written by God in His "book of life of the Lamb who was
     slain before the foundation of the world" (Revelation 13:8).  God chose them, and their names,
     written before the foundation of the world, will never be erased from the book of life.

          Some may say that it's unfair for God to choose someone in this way, but Romans 9 has
     the answer for anyone who believes this, and shows that God doesn't choose someone be-
     cause He foreknows that the person will believe in Him, or because of any action on the
     person's part, but only because of His will and mercy.

          Referring to twins Jacob and Esau, Scripture says:

                                                "Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything
                                                  good or bad -- in order that God's purpose in election
                                                  might stand:  not by works but by Him who calls --
                                                  she (Rebekah, their mother) was told, 'The older will
                                                  serve the younger.  Just as it is written, 'Jacob I loved,
                                                  but Esau I hated.

                                                "What then shall we say?  Is God unjust?  Not at all!
                                                  For He says to Moses,'I will have mercy on whom I
                                                  have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I
                                                  have compassion.  It (salvation) does not depend on
                                                  man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy ...

                                                "Therefore God has mercy on whom He wants to have
                                                  mercy, and He hardens whom He wants to harden."
                                                                                              Romans 9:11-16

          In Romans 9:19-24, Paul explains that God has the right to do with His creation and
     thus His creatures, whatever He wishes, as He is the Potter and they are His clay.

          Michael S. Horton (White Horse Inn Blog) writes of this passage:

                         "God is presented in this passage as electing men, women, and children out
     of an already condemned and ruined race.  Their condemnation is just, so God is not
     responsible for the resistance, disobedience, and hatred of those who are rejected, but
     only for the salvation of those who DO embrace the forgiving grace of God.

                         "Out of the same lump (i.e., the same mass of fallen humanity), God chooses
     to make vessels of wrath and vessels of mercy, one to bring Him glory by demonstrating
     His justice, the other to glorify Him for His compassion and mercy.  There is no distinction,
     as all are taken from the same group.  Therefore, the elect cannot be proud (for salvation
     is from God, not from the ones saved, in any way).


         Peter was urging them to be sure of their calling and election by God to salvation
     (2 Peter 1:10).

          2 Peter 1:5-8 lists the qualities that should be cultivated by believers.

                                 "For this good reason, make every effort to add to your
                                  faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to
                                  knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perse-
                                  verance; and to perseverance, godliness;  and to godli-
                                  ness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness,
                                "For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure,
                                 they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive
                                 in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."

          "By cultivating the qualities listed here, they and others can be assured that God has
           chosen them and called them (Matt 7:20 "by their fruit you will recognize them").
           The genuineness of their profession will be demonstrated as they express these
           virtues.  When God elects and calls, it is to obedience and holiness (1 Pet 1;2;
           Eph 1:3-6), and these fruits confirm their divine source.  Those who in this way
           give evidence of their faith will never cease to persevere."
                                                                                              NIV Commentary


          "As the Christian pursues the qualities enumerated [in this passage] and sees that his
     life is useful and fruitful, he will not stumble into doubt, despair, fear, or questioning,
     but enjoy assurance that he is saved."
                                                                                             John MacArthur

          Charles Spurgeon wrote that the Holy Spirit will give you assurance of your election.

                                "Look to Jesus and believe on Him, and you shall make proof of
                                 your election directly, for so surely as you believe, you are elect...
                                 Go straight to Christ and hide in His wounds, and you shall know
                                 your election.  The assurance of the Holy Spirit shall be given to
                                 you, so that you shall be able to say, 'I know whom I have believed,
                                 and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have com-
                                 mitted to Him.

                               "Go and put your trust in Him, and His answer will be -- 'I have loved
                                you with an everlasting love, therefore with lovingkindness have I
                                drawn you.'  There will be no doubt about His having chosen you,
                                when you have chosen Him."




Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Place of Personal Discipline

          More highlights from The Pursuit of Holiness, by Jerry Bridges.

                                          "Have nothing to do with godless myths and
                                           old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be
                                                                              1 Timothy 4:7

          The way to obtain godliness is through Christian discipline.

          Paul says we are to train or discipline ourselves to be godly.  The figure of speech
     he uses comes from the physical training that Greek athletes went through.  Paul also
                                       "Everyone who competes in the games goes
                                        into strict training."
                                                                               1 Corinthians 9:25

          He said this was an attitude of his life, and one that each Christian should have
     (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).

          To pursue holiness, we must correct, mold and train our moral character.
     Discipline toward holiness begins with the Word of God.

          Paul said,
                                       "All Scripture is God-breathed  and is useful for
                                         teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in
                                                                           2 Timothy 3:16

          Jay Adams says, "It is by willing , prayerful, and persistent obedience to the require-
     ments of the Scriptures that godly patterns are developed and come to be a part of us."
                                                                         (Godliness Through Discipline)

         We read in Scripture,

                                         "You were taught ... to put off your old self ...
                                           to be made new in the attitude of your minds;
                                           and to put on the new self, created to be like
                                           God in true righteousness and holiness."
                                                                             Ephesians 4:22-24

          Discipline toward holiness begins then with the Scriptures -- with a disciplined plan
     for regular intake of the Scriptures and a disciplined plan for applying them to our daily

          Here our occupation with the Holy Spirit is very clear.

                   The Spirit wrote the Scripture .......................We learn the Scripture.................
     ......The Spirit brings to our mind what we learn.............We apply what He brings to mind.

          As we seek to apply his Word to daily situations, He will work in us to strengthen us.
     But we must respond to what the Holy Spirit has already done if we are to expect Him to
     do more.


         We need a planned time each day for reading or studying the Bible.  Every Christian
    who makes progress in holiness is a person who has disciplined his life so that he spends
    regular time in the Bible.  There is simply no other way.

         A disciplined intake of the Word of God not only involves a planned time, it also in-
     volves a planned method.  Four categories:
                            1. Hearing the Word taught by our pastors and teachers (Jer.3:15).

                            2. Reading the Bible ourselves (Deuteronomy 17:19).

                            3. Studying the Scriptures intently (Proverbs 2:1-5).

                            4. Memorizing key passages (Psalm 119:11).

          But if we are to pursue holiness with discipline, we must do more than hear, read,
     study, or memorize Scripture.  We must meditate on it. 

          God said to Joshua, just as he was assuming leadership over Israel,

                                         " Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your
                                           mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may
                                           be careful to do everything written in it."
                                                                                 Joshua 1:8

          Just as you need a plan for regular Bible reading or study, so you need a plan for
     applying the Word to your life.
           As you read or study the Scriptures and meditate on them during the day, ask
     yourself these three questions.

                                1. What does this passage teach concerning God's will
                                    for a holy life?

                               2. How does my life measure up to that Scripture,
                                   specifically where and how do I fall short?
                                   (Be specific; don't generalize).

                               3. What definite steps of action do I need to take to obey?

          The most important part of this process is the specific application of the Scripture to
     specific life situations.

          Structure training in holiness is a lifelong process.  So a necessary ingredient of
     discipline is perseverance.  Our sinful habits are not broken overnight.  Follow through
     is required to make any change in our lives, and follow through requires perseverance.

          Jonathan Edwards resolved, "never to give over, nor in the least to slacken my
     fight with my corruptions, however unsuccessful I may be."

          A verse of Scripture I (Jerry Bridges) often use in the face of failure with my own
     sins is Proverbs 24:16:

                                    "For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises
                                     again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity."

          The person who is discipling himself toward holiness falls many times, but he
     doesn't quit.  After each failure he gets up and continues the struggle.  Not so with
     the unrighteous.  He stumbles in his sin and gives up.  He has no power to overcome
     because he does not have the Spirit of God at work in him.


          As we progress in holiness, we come to hate sin (Psalm 119:104) and to delight
     in God's law (Romans 7:22).  We see the perfection of God's law and the rightness
     of all He requires of us. 

          We agree that "his commands are not burdensome" (1 John 5:3), but are "holy,
     righteous, and good" (Romans 7:12).  But during all this time we also see our own
     inner corruption and our frequent falls into sin, and we want to give up.

          This we dare not do.  If we would succeed in our pursuit of holiness we must
     persevere in spite of failure.