Monday, April 29, 2013

Ignorance is NOT Bliss!

          There's an old saying, "Ignorance is bliss." 
          In other words, "What you don't know won't hurt you."

          However, ignorance of "the truth" leads to death and separation
     from God in an eternal hell.
          Knowledge of  and belief in "the truth" lead to eternal life in heaven
     with God.

          What is "the truth?"  Jesus said He is "the truth."

                                          "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth
                                           and the life.  No one comes to the Father
                                           except through me."
                                                                                 John 14:6

          That's not a popular thing to believe in the world of political correctness
     we live in today.  How dare someone say there is only one way to God?
          Jesus didn't just say he HAD the truth, but that He WAS the truth.!

          Belief in Jesus as Savior is necessary for eternal life, and that belief or
     faith comes only from understanding the Gospel, and knowing Him.  This
     understanding and knowledge come from God.

          For example, Jesus, who said that "the Father and I are one," making Himself
      equal to God, opened the minds of His disciples so they could understand the
      Gospel and all of the Scriptures.

                                         "Then He opened their minds so they could
                                           understand the Scriptures."             
                                                                                 Luke 24:45

          Trusting and acknowledging God, and not going our own way,
     helps us find the right paths to take in life.

                                          "Trust in the LORD with all your heart
                                            and lean not on your own understanding;
                                            In all your ways acknowledge Him,
                                            and He will make your paths straight."
                                                                                 Proverbs 3:5-6

          The LORD gives insight to His people.

                                         "Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord
                                          will give you insight into all this."
                                                                                2 Timothy 2:7

          God gives understanding to His people so that we may know the truth --
     God and the Father and His Son.  We can know the truth only if we are
      "in Him."

                                         "We know also that the Son of God
                                           has come and has given us understanding,
                                           so that we may know Him who is true.
                                           And we are in Him who is true -- even in
                                           His Son Jesus Christ.
                                           He is the true God and eternal life."
                                                                                  1 John 5:20

          Zechariah was filled with the Spirit and prophesied (Luke 1:67) about his
     son, who would be known as John the Baptist:

                                          "... for you will go  on before the Lord to
                                           prepare the way for Him,
                                           to give His people the knowledge of
                                           salvation through the forgiveness of
                                           their sins..."
                                                                                Luke 1:77

          While belief in Jesus leads to life, unbelief leads to death.
     This belief comes from understanding and knowledge of the truth,
     and ignorance leads to unbelief and ultimately death.

          Next time, we'll look more closely at understanding and knowledge
     and belief, as opposed to ignorance and unbelief.



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