Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What Now?

          Ok liberal Americans, you got what you wanted -- an Obama victory.  Be careful
     what you wish for.

          The people of Israel, instead of relying on God, begged him to appoint a king who
     would lead them.  I know Obama is not a king, but many treat him that way, or even
     worse, as the Messiah.

           Many of those kings the Jews wanted as their leaders, were corrupt and evil doers.
     They led the people in the wrong direction -- a way that was against God's will.

          I see that happening here in America.  So many people looking to sinful men to
     lead them, when they should be turning to God.

          Our newly re-elected president claims to be a Christian, but has openly mocked the
     Bible, and certainly has political positions that are contrary to God's word.  Jesus
     warned us about such people who say they are followers of God, but openly disobey
     Him and lead others to follow them (i.e. Obama's approval of homosexual marriage and
     abortion with no restrictions; even opposing medical aid for a baby that survives an
     abortion.  He believes the baby should just be left to die.  Shameful!  Evil!).

           Such people can be recognized by the fruit they produce.

                                         (Jesus said), "Watch for false prophets.  They come to you
                                         in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
                                         By their fruit you will recognize them."
                                                                                       Matthew 7:15-16a

          Obama seems to have more respect for Muslims and Islam than for Christianity,
     the religion he claims as his own.  The god of Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama
     is not the God of the Bible.

          He ignores and refuses to enforce laws he doesn't like, even though he swore an
     oath to God, with his hand on the Bible, to execute the laws of the United States, and
     defend and uphold the constitution.

           He ran a dirty campaign, falsely accusing Republicans of waging a "war on women,"
     and shamefully painting Mitt Romney, a decent man, as a murderer and felon who cares
     only for the rich.  Actually, Romney gives more to charity in one year than Obama and
     Biden have given in their entire lives combined.  He also has done more charitable work
     without publicizing it than Obama ever dreamed of.
          Due to his out of control spending we can look forward to much bigger deficits and
     debt over the next four years, as he turns our nation toward a socialist European style

          A corrupt and biased media have aided and abetted him for four years and helped
     him win re-election by ignoring his scandals and refusing to report on them.
     Rush Limbaugh said of the media's complicity in the Benghazi scandal, "that it would
     be like Woodward and Bernstein helping Nixon cover up Watergate;" and nobody
     died in Watergate, but four Americans died at Benghazi.

          I believe God is judging America for turning away from Him and doing whatever
     it pleases, instead of what pleases Him.  He has given us a corrupt and sinful man to
     lead us because of our rebellion against Him.

          Just as God took His blessings away from Israel, He can do the same to America.
     He is not compelled to bless us when we refuse to follow Him.

          So what do we do now? 

          We should pray for the president as the Bible tells us to pray for everyone (1 Tim 2:17).
     God has established him in office for His purposes (Romans 13:1).  We should pray
     that God would grant him repentance for his sins and turn him toward the only hope
     anyone has for salvation -- Jesus.

          We, as Americans, Christians and non-Christians, need to get on our knees and repent
     and beg for God's mercy and forgiveness for our sins.

          All of us who trust in God know that He will take care of us, but He may show His
     wrath against our country for turning away from Him in so many ways.

          There is still hope for America, but we must turn from the direction we are going,
     and seek God's will.

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