Thursday, May 30, 2013

How Christ's Death Saves

          Highlights from:  In My Place, Condemned He Stood, by J.I. Packer
                                      and Mark Dever

          *How did Christ's sacrificial death actually save His people?

          By redeeming us, which means effecting our transfer from a state of bondage
     without hope to a state of freedom with a future, by paying the price that the transfer

                                        " ... for all have sinned and fall short of the glory
                                          of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift,
                                          through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus ..."
                                                                                   Romans 3:24

                                        "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by
                                         becoming a curse for us ...
                                         so that we might receive the promised Spirit through
                                                                                   Galatians 3:13a,14b

                                       "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent
                                        forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law,
                                        to redeem those who were under the law, so that we
                                        might receive adoption as sons."
                                                                                       Galatians 4:4-5

                                      "In him we have redemption through his blood,
                                       the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the
                                       riches of his grace ..."
                                                                                       Ephesians 1:7


          *How then did the cross actually redeem us, through Jesus' death?

          By reconciling us to God, ending the alienation and estrangement that were
     preciously there, linking God and us together in new harmony, replacing enmity
     between us with friendship and peace, by means of the putting away of our sins.

                                      " ... we also rejoice in God through our Lord
                                        Jesus Christ, through whom we have now
                                        received reconciliation."
                                                                             Romans 5:11b

                                      "For in him all the fullness of God was pleased
                                       to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself
                                       all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making
                                       peace by the blood of his cross."
                                                                             Colossians 1:19-20


          *So how did the cross actually reconcile us to God, and God to us?

          By being a propitiation, ending God's wrath against us.

                                      " ... and are justified by his grace as a gift,
                                       through the redemption that is in Christ
                                       Jesus, whom God put forth as a propitiation
                                       by his blood, to be received by faith."
                                                                      Romans 3:24-25a


          *And how did the cross actually propitiate God?

          By being an event of substitution, whereby at the Father's will, the sinless Son
     bore the retribution due to us guilty ones.

                                      "For our sake he made him to be sin
                                       who knew no sin, so that in him we
                                       might become the righteousness of God."
                                                                           2 Corinthians 5:21

                                      "And you, who were dead in your trespasses,
                                       and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God
                                       made alive together with him, having forgiven
                                       us all our trespasses, by canceling the record
                                       of debt that stood against us with its legal
                                       This he set aside, nailing it to the cross."
                                                                           Colossians 2:13-14

          For Paul, this substitution, Christ bearing our penalty in our place,
     is the essence of the atonement.

          Certainly, he celebrates the cross as a victory over the forces of evil
     on our behalf

                                     ("He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put
                                      them to open shame, by triumphing over them
                                      in him.")
                                                                           Colossians 2:15

     and as a motivating revelation of the love of God toward us.

                                    "For the love of Christ controls us, because
                                     we have concluded this:  that one has died
                                     for all, therefore all have died; and he died
                                     for all those who might no longer live for
                                     themselves but for him who for their sake
                                     died and was raised."
                                                                            2 Corinthians 5:14-15

          "Everyone who died in Christ receives the benefits of his substitutionary
     deathWith this short phrase, 'therefore all have died,' Paul defined the
     extent of the atonement and limited its application.
            This statement logically completes the meaning of the preceding phrase,
     'that one has died for all,' in effect saying, 'Christ died for all who died in him,'
     or 'One died for all, therefore all died.'
            Paul was overwhelmed with gratitude that Christ loved him, and was so
     gracious as to make him a part of the 'all' who died in him."
                                                                            John MacArthur

           The last verse (15 above) shows that Jesus died for those who no longer
     live for themselves, but for him.

          If Jesus' death had not been an event of penal substitution, it would not
     have not for Paul been a "victory" or "revelation."

                                       "I have been crucified with Christ.  It is no
                                        longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.
                                        And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by
                                        faith in the Son of God, who loved me and
                                        gave himself for me."
                                                                            Galatians 2:20


          Paul's life of responsive faith was wholly formed and driven by the
     knowledge that his Savior had revealed divine love to him by giving
     himself to die on the cross in order to save him.

          Christ's death redeemed us (His people) and reconciled us with God the Father.
     Jesus died as our propitiation, as a substitute for us, thereby saving us.





Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bought at a Price

                                                    "You are not your own;
                                                      you were bought at a price ..."
                                                                          1 Corinthians 6:19b-20a



          As we were prisoners of the law and of sin, Jesus bore the sins of His people,
     shedding His blood, to pay the penalty due to God the Father, because of
     our transgressions against Him.
          Drawn by the Father (John 6:44,65), those who benefit from Jesus' atonement,
     come to Him in faith and are saved.

                                                   "But the Scripture declares that the whole
                                                    world is a prisoner of sin, so that what was
                                                    promised, being given through faith in Jesus
                                                    Christ, might be given to those who believe.

                                                    Before this faith came, we were held prisoners
                                                    by the law, locked up until faith should be
                                                    revealed.  So the law was put in charge to lead
                                                    us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith."
                                                                                               Galatians 3:22-24

            Jesus paid our ransom, by shedding His blood for us, and satisfied the wrath
     of God the Father against us because of our sinfulness.  Through His sacrifice,
     those who are called by God, receive eternal life.

                                                   "[Jesus said], 'For even the Son of Man did
                                                     not come to be served, but to serve, and to
                                                     give his life as a ransom for many."
                                                                                              Mark 10:45

                                                   "For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new
                                                    covenant, that those who are called may receive
                                                    the promised eternal inheritance -- now that he
                                                    has died as a ransom to set them free from the
                                                    sins committed under the first covenant."
                                                                                              Hebrews 9:15

          To demonstrate his justice, God the Father was willing to give his Son as
     payment to save those who would believe.

                             "The sins of God's people, punished symbolically in the
                              animal sacrifices of the Old Testament period, would
                              be totally punished in the once-for-all sacrifice of Christ
                              on the cross."
                                                                                         NIV Commentary

                                                   "God presented him as a sacrifice of
                                                    atonement, through faith in his blood."
                                                                                     Romans 3:25a

                             "Christians in all stations of life should realize that their
                              ultimate allegiance is not to men but to Christ, who bought
                              them with his blood."
                                                                                           NIV Commentary

                                                    "You were bought at a price; do not
                                                      become slaves of men."
                                                                                           1 Corinthians 7:23

            Only a perfect sacrifice, unblemished by sin, would satisfy God the Father and his
     holiness.  Believers are redeemed by the Son's blood, not from earthly things.
     He was chosen before the foundation of the world to die for his people.

                                                      "For you know that it was not with perishable
                                                       things such as silver or gold that you were
                                                       redeemed from the empty way of life handed
                                                       down to you form your forefathers, but with
                                                       the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without
                                                       blemish or defect.

                                                       He was chosen before the creation of the world,
                                                       but was revealed in these last times for your sake.
                                                       Through him you believe in God,
                                                       who raised him from the dead, and
                                                       glorified him, and so your faith and
                                                       hope are in God."
                                                                                             1 Peter 1:18-21

          Jesus bought believers from all over the world with his blood.

                                                      " ... and with your blood you purchased
                                                       men for God from every tribe and
                                                       language and people and nation."
                                                                                            Revelation 5:9b

          Jesus bought his church with his death on the cross.

                                                      "Be shepherds of the church of God,
                                                       which he bought with his own blood."
                                                                                             Acts 20:28b

          God showed his love for his people by sending his Son to die for them.

                                                       "But God demonstrates his own love
                                                        for us, in this:  While we were still
                                                        sinners, Christ died for us."
                                                                                              Romans 5:8

          God demonstrated his love for people all over the world, by sending his
     Son to die for and save everyone who would believe in him.

                                                       "For God loved the world in this way:
                                                        He gave his One and Only Son, so that
                                                        everyone who believes in him will not
                                                        perish, but have eternal life."
                                                                                             John 3:16


          Simply put, God the Father sent His Son, Jesus, to die for and pay the penalty
     of sin for his church (Acts 20:28); that is for everyone who believes (John 3:16).








Tuesday, May 28, 2013

God's Great Mercy

                                      "Men will never worship God with a sincere
                                       heart, or be roused to fear and obey Him with
                                       sufficient zeal, until they properly understand
                                       how much they are indebted to His mercy."
                                                                                  John Calvin


          God made us, His people, alive through Christ and saved us because of His love
     and grace and mercy.

                                              "But because of his great love for us,
                                               God, who is rich in mercy, made us
                                               alive with Christ even when we were
                                               dead in transgressions -- it is by grace
                                               you have been saved."
                                                                              Ephesians 2:4-5  

                                               "In his great mercy he has given us new
                                                birth into a living hope through the
                                                resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
                                                and into an inheritance that can never
                                                perish, spoil, or fade ..."
                                                                               1 Peter 1:3-4a

                                               "He chose to give us birth, through the word
                                                of truth ..."
                                                                                James 1:18a

                                               " ... he saved us, not because of righteous things
                                                 we had done, but because of his mercy ..."
                                                                                Titus 3:5a


          God is not required to give mercy to everyone, but everyone who receives
     His mercy and grace will be saved.  Good works will not save anyone.

                                                " ... I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,
                                                  and I will have compassion on whom I have
                                                                                     Romans 9:15

                                                " It (salvation) does not depend on man's desire
                                                  or effort, but on God's mercy."
                                                                                     Romans 9:16

                                                "Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to
                                                  have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to
                                                                                      Romans 9:18


          God is pleased to show His mercy.

                                                  "You do not stay angry forever
                                                    but delight to show mercy."
                                                                             Micah 7:18b

          God answers prayer not because of our good works, but because of his

                                                  "We do not make requests of you because
                                                   we are righteous, but because of your great
                                                                               Daniel 9:18b


          Worship is not just performing religious rituals, but having the proper
     attitude of the heart, and obeying God's word.

                                                  "God is spirit, and those who worship
                                                   him must worship in spirit and truth."
                                                                                  John 4:24

          Believers must offer themselves in worship to God.

                                                  " ... present your bodies as a living
                                                    sacrifice, holy and acceptable to
                                                    God, which is your spiritual worship."
                                                                                Romans 12:1b


           Understanding His mercy is essential to true worship of God.





Monday, May 27, 2013

Of First Importance

          Today we remember those who gave their lives defending their country,
     and helping to keep all Americans free.

          Many have died in the service of the United States, and we are forever
     indebted to them for the sacrifices made.  We must never forget what they
     have done for us.


          While these deaths are significantly important for our country, nothing
     can compare to the ultimate sacrifice the Son of God made for His people.

          About 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ gave His life to save everyone who
      would ever believe in His name.

                                              "For I delivered to you as of first importance
                                               what I received:  that Christ died for our sins
                                               in accordance with the Scriptures, that He was
                                               buried, that He was raised on the third day in
                                               accordance with the Scriptures, and that He
                                               appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve."
                                                                                     1 Corinthians 15:3-5

          Paul wrote this letter to the believers in Corinth, telling them the message he had
     received from God, that Jesus had died for them, and all believers everywhere.

                                              "To the church of God that is in Corinth,
                                                to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called
                                                to be saints together with all those who
                                                in every place call upon the name of our
                                                Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours ..."
                                                                                     1 Corinthians 1:2

          Paul's words clearly show that while his letter is meant for the church in
                                              ("To the church of God that is in Corinth,
                                               to those sanctified in Christ Jesus,
                                               called to be saints  ..."),

          he includes all believers around the world as being entitled to the same
     privilege to call upon the Lord Jesus Christ

                                              ("... together with all those who in every place
                                               call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ").


         Christ's death sets free from the curse of the law, everyone who would ever
     believe in Him.

                                             "For freedom Christ has set us free;
                                              stand firm therefore, and do not
                                              submit again to a yoke of slavery."
                                                                               Galatians 5:1

          The only people who are truly free, are those who have stopped striving
     to achieve their own righteousness, and embraced Jesus Christ, by His grace,
     through faith in Him.


          Jesus' death was an effectual atonement for all who would ever believe.
     He died as a substitute for His people.

                                   "The manner in which God laid our iniquity on Him
                                     was that God treated Him as if He had committed
                                     every sin ever committed by every person who would
                                     ever believe, though He was perfectly innocent of any sin.

                                     God did so to Him, so that wrath being spent and justice
                                     satisfied, God could then give to the account of sinners
                                     who believe, the righteousness of Christ, treating them as
                                     if they had done only the righteous acts of Christ.

                                     In both cases, this is substitution."
                                                                                          John MacArthur


          Of course, after His death, Jesus arose from the grave and ascended to the right
     hand of God the Father in heaven, to be a mediator for His people.

          Jesus intercedes for everyone for whom He died. 

                                                         "Yet it was the will of the LORD
                                                           to crush Him; He has put Him to
                                                           grief; when His soul makes an
                                                           offering for guilt, He shall see
                                                           His offspring;  He shall prolong
                                                           His days;

                                                          The will of the LORD shall prosper
                                                           in His hand.  Out of the anguish of
                                                           His soul He shall see and be satisfied;
                                                           by His knowledge shall the righteous
                                                           one, my servant, make many to be
                                                           accounted righteous, and He shall
                                                           bear their iniquities.

                                                           Therefore I will divide Him a portion
                                                           with the many, and He shall divide the
                                                           spoil with the strong, because He poured
                                                           out His soul to death and was numbered
                                                           with the transgressors;

                                                           yet He bore the sin of many,
                                                           and makes intercession for the transgressors."
                                                                                               Isaiah 53:10-12

           He bore the sins of His people, and is
           interceding with the Father for every one of them.

                                                          "Therefore He is the mediator of a new
                                                            covenant, so that those who are called
                                                            may receive the promised eternal in-
                                                            heritance, since a death has occurred
                                                            that redeems them from the transgressions
                                                            committed under the first covenant."
                                                                                          Hebrews 9:15


          Everyone who has been called and chosen unto salvation, has been redeemed
     by the death of Jesus Christ.


          May we, who have been redeemed, never forget what Jesus has done, and STILL
     does for us, His children!  This is of first importance!