Monday, July 15, 2013

The Proper Use of "O My God"

          Turn on the TV, or engage in conversation with friends and acquaintances,
     and you'll often hear the phrase "OMG" (meaning "O My G_d") being used by
          Most, if not all of us, have said these words, or something similar, such as
     "O, my Lord."

          Even though the third of the ten commandments forbids the misuse of God's
     name, many continue to do so without a second thought.  It has become a habit,
     no big deal.

          Sometimes, we misuse it by saying His name to express amazement or
     astonishment, although some use it so often that it loses all meaning when used.
     When we do this, we take God's name in vain and make it worthless or empty.


          However, God spoke the words of all the commandments to Moses, warning
     the people not to misuse His name, for He would not hold anyone guiltless who
     did so.

          Jesus told us how to properly speak the name of the one and only holy God,
      the Creator of everything.

          Jesus said, "This is how you should pray:

                             Our Father in heaven,
                             hallowed be your name ..."
                                               Matthew 6:9

         The word "hallowed" means to set apart or consecrate, to make sacred.


         We should use God's name in prayer, not as a swear word or in vain.

         We should give His name glory.

                             "Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name ..."
                                                                      Psalm 29:2a

                             "Not to us, O LORD, not to us
                              but to your name be the glory,
                              because of your love and
                                                                  Psalm 115:1

           In Psalm 22:1, David cried out in anguish,

                             "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

          Jesus repeated these words on the cross (Matthew 27:46).

          David cried out in prayer again,

                            "O my God, I cry out by day,
                             but you do not answer ..."
                                                   Psalm 22:2


          Other examples of the proper use of God's name are found in the psalms:

                            "In you I trust, O my God."
                                                 Psalm 25:2

                           "You are my help and my deliverer;
                             O my God, do not delay."
                                                  Psalm 40:17


          In summary, we should be careful not to use God's name in a way to make it
     common, or as a swear word, and to make it worthless or empty.

          We should use God's name only in prayer to the Holy, Sovereign LORD, who
     is worthy of our praise, and use it only to His glory!

                                  Source: Irish Calvinist blog


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