Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Resurrection Saves

          I read a book a while ago, Salvation Accomplished by the Son:
     The Work of Christ, by Robert A. Peterson.

          Peterson describes nine "saving events" in Christ's life.

                  1. Incarnation  2. Sinless life  3. Death  4. Resurrection

                  5. Ascension  6. Session  7.  Pentecost  8. Intercession 
                  9. Second Coming

          Here are some highlights from chapter 4 -- The Resurrection.

          The resurrection was predicted in the Old Testament.
     The words of David in Psalm 16:8-11, were applied messianically to the
     resurrection of the Greater David (Jesus Christ) both by Peter (Acts 2:24-28)
     and Paul (Acts 13:34-35).

                                              "God raised him up, loosing the pangs
                                               of death, because it was not possible
                                               for him to be held by it."
                                                                               Acts 2:24

                                               "And as for the fact that he raised him
                                                from the dead, no more to return to
                                                corruption, he has spoken in this way,
                                               ' I will give you the holy and sure blessings
                                                of David.'
                                                Therefore he says also in another psalm,
                                                'You will not let your Holy One see
                                                 corruption.' "
                                                                                 Acts 13:34-35


          The resurrection is predicted in Isaiah 53 through the words, "He shall
     prolong His days."  Even though the Messiah would die, He would live again.

                                                "When His soul makes an offering for guilt,
                                                  He shall see His offspring; He shall
                                                  prolong His days."
                                                                                   Isaiah 53:10b

          The resurrection is an important part of the Gospel, predicted in the
     Old Testament.

                                                "For I delivered to you as of first
                                                 importance what I also received:
                                                 that Christ died for our sins in
                                                 accordance with the Scriptures,
                                                 that He was buried, that He was
                                                 raised on the third day in accordance
                                                 with the Scriptures, and that He
                                                 appeared to Cephas, then to the
                                                                             1 Corinthians 15:3-5


          Christ's resurrection assures the resurrection of believers.

                                                 "And if Christ has not been raised,
                                                  your faith is futile and you are still
                                                  in your sins...
                                                  But in fact Christ has been raised
                                                  from the dead, the firstfruits of
                                                  those who have fallen asleep."
                                                                             1 Corinthians 15:17,20

                  "[Firstfruits] speaks of the first installment of harvest to eternal life,
                   in which Christ's resurrection will precipitate and guarantee that
                   all of the saints who have died will be resurrected also."
                                                                             John MacArthur


          God the Father gave Jesus the Son, the authority to give up His life,
     and to raise Himself from the dead.

                                                   "[Jesus said], 'For this reason the Father
                                                    loves me, because I lay down my life
                                                    that I may take it up again.
                                                    No one takes it from me, but I lay it
                                                    down of my own accord.
                                                    I have authority to lay it down,
                                                    and I have authority to take it up
                                                    again.  This charge I have received
                                                    from my Father."
                                                                                     John 10:17-18


          Jesus promised eternal life to those who believed in Him, because He
     would be raised from the dead.

                                                 "Because I live, you also will live."
                                                                               John 14:19b

          Jesus has the authority to give life to whomever He is pleased to give it.

                                                 "For as the Father raises the dead
                                                  and gives them life, so also the Son
                                                  gives life to whom He will."
                                                                                  John 5:21

          Because He lives, His people are safe and will spend eternity with Him.

                                                  "My sheep hear my voice,
                                                   and I know them, and they
                                                   follow me.  I give them
                                                   eternal life and they will
                                                   never perish, and no one
                                                   will snatch them out of
                                                   my hand."
                                                                                      John 10:27-28


          Belief in the resurrection is necessary for salvation.

                                                  "... because, if you confess with your mouth
                                                   that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart
                                                   that God raised Him from the dead you will
                                                   be saved.
                                                   For with the heart one believes and is justified,
                                                   and with the mouth one confesses and is saved."
                                                                                          Romans 10:9-10


          The resurrection saves.

                                                 "Blessed be the God and Father of our
                                                  Lord Jesus Christ!  According to His
                                                  great mercy, He has caused us to be
                                                  born again to a living hope through
                                                  the resurrection of Jesus Christ from
                                                  the dead to an inheritance that is
                                                  imperishable, undefiled, and unfading,
                                                  kept in heaven for you, who by God's
                                                  power are being guarded through faith
                                                  for a salvation ready to be revealed in
                                                  the last time."
                                                                                       1 Peter 1:3-5


          The resurrection brings justification and forgiveness of sins.

                                                "It (faith) will be counted to us who
                                                 believe in Him who raised from the
                                                 dead Jesus our Lord, who was
                                                 delivered up for trespasses and raised
                                                 for our justification."
                                                                                      Romans 4:24b-25

           He was raised to life for our justification.  Christ's atoning death was
     necessitated by our sin, and yet had His death not been followed by the
     resurrection, it would not have been God's mighty deed for our justification.

                       "Without the resurrection of Christ, His death alone has no
                        atoning, redemptive, or liberating effect in relation to human
                        sin.  It is because Jesus, our divine human representative, not
                        only died in our place, but also lives as Victor over sin and
                        the grave, He saves to the end all who come to God
                        through Him."
                                                                                      Anthony Thiselton


          Since Jesus was raised, He saves His people forever, because He continually
     presents His priestly sacrifice in God's presence in heaven.  Jesus' death was
     not the end of His priesthood, for He rose from the grave, gave victory over death,
     and now continues as our sole and ever living high priest.

                                                "Consequently, He is able to save
                                                 to the uttermost those who draw
                                                 near to God through Him, since
                                                 He always lives to make intercession
                                                 for them."
                                                                             Hebrews 7:25





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