Thursday, May 2, 2013

The New Dividing Line

          Liberals/secular progressives around the world have established a new line
     that divides everyone, everywhere. This line is set in cement, and each one of
     us must decide on which side we will stand.

          Choose the right side (the liberal/secular progressive side) and you'll be
     loved, praised, lauded, and celebrated.  However, if you choose to stand on the
     wrong side, the other side, WATCH OUT!!  You will cursed at, called every
     filthy name in the book, lose business, may even be fired for expressing an
     opinion contrary to the politically correct crowd's opinion.

          So, what is this issue that is so divisive?  You may have already figured it out.
     It's homosexuality!  


          For months, the sports media, which are overwhelmingly liberal, have been
     spreading a rumor that the first professional, male athlete will "come out" as
     openly homosexual.  Well, it finally happened this week when Jason Collins,
     seven feet tall center who plays in the NBA, announced he was "gay."

          The media have been throwing a party every day since.  ESPN has had a
     parade of guests on several shows, who offered their words of praise for Collins'
     "courage."  He's been called a hero, and the commissioner of the NBA praised
     him for his "leadership in this important issue."

          The commissioner of the NFL said homosexual players must not just be
     "tolerated" in the league, but homosexuality must be "accepted" (as normal I
     suppose).  The acceptance and praise for Collins has been almost universal.


          Raining on the parade of accolades for Collins, ESPN analyst Chris Broussard.
     called homosexual behavior a "sin," and said it was "rebellion against God."
     Broussard, who is a Christian, is now "Enemy #1" of the PC crowd, for daring to
     stand up for traditional, Christian values, and calling homosexual behavior sinful,
     and contrary to God's plan for humanity.

          "Tolerance" is supposed to be a virtue, but for the Liberal/progressives, tolerance
     for Christian beliefs is not acceptable for anyone to espouse.  Anyone who opposes
     the "gay movement" in any way is labeled a "bigot, homophobe, gay basher, and

          ESPN, in the midst of its celebration of  Collins' announcement, released a
     statement apologizing for the "distraction" Broussard's comments had become.
     Tolerance for his beliefs and values is very scarce.  He may say it, but ESPN made
     it obvious that he was not going along with the program.  Broussard still has his job,
     but I wouldn't be surprised if the network decides "not to renew his contract" when
     it comes time to do so.  His comments weren't in sync with the pro homosexual
     agenda pushed by ESPN.


          Our president, who claims to be a Christian, but has publicly mocked the Bible
     and those who hold it dearly on more than one occasion, has played a big part in
     promoting "gay rights."  Every year of his presidency, he has announced and celebrated
     June as LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender) month in the U.S.

          After opposing "gay marriage," he finally proclaimed last year that he had changed
     his mind, and was now for it.  Even though he claims to be a Christian, he called the
     Holy Scripture in Romans 1, that condemns homosexual behavior, " an obscure pas-
     sage," ("obscure" meaning "unclear").

           He shows his ignorance of the Bible, because the message of Romans 1:26-27 is
     anything but "unclear."  1 Corinthians 6:9-10 lists those who practice homosexuality
     (along with other sins) as among those who "will not inherit the kingdom of God."

          In Leviticus 20:13, homosexual behavior is called "detestable" by God, "an
      abomination."  Obama shows his arrogance in his support for the profanation of
     marriage, essentially saying that he knows better than God, what is right and wrong.
     Many Americans followed his lead and now support what the Bible calls sinful.
     They who practice such things (along with gossipers, slanderers, God-haters, in-
     solent and arrogant and boastful etc.) and approve of their practice, will be held
     responsible by God.

                                               "Although they knew God's righteous
                                                decree that those who do such things
                                                deserve death, they not only continue
                                                to do these very things but also approve
                                                of those who practice them."
                                                                               Romans 1:32

          They rebel against and ignore God and His Word.  They think they are smarter
     than God and know what the truth is, when in fact, they are hardened to the truth
     because of their own sinfulness.

          However, slurs are not what they need from Christians.  They need what all sinners need -
     to repent, and turn from their sins, and trust in Christ for their salvation.  What do
     we as Christians do?  We certainly don't bow to the pressure of political correctness
     and cave in to demands that immorality be tolerated, accepted as normal, and praised
     and celebrated.

          We stand on God's Word, and trust and follow Him.  We deliver the Gospel to them,
     and pray that God would soften the hearts of those who ignore Him, and that they
     would be granted repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.  Without Him, they have no hope!


          So, the line is drawn.  We all have a choice to make.  I don't want God on my side;
     I want to be on HIS side, for He is always right.

          Which side of the line are YOU on?

           More precisely, WHOSE side are you on?



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