Friday, June 14, 2013


          While studying the Bible, questions often come to mind.

          I believe the scriptures have made the answers to the questions below, plain to those
     who seek them.

          How would you answer?

                                  Does Jesus "try" to save, or does He actually save?
                                                                    Matthew 1:21

                                  Does Jesus "make salvation possible," or does He
                                  save His people completely?  Hebrews 7:25

                                 Will God go through eternity, disappointed that He
                                  couldn't save everyone, or does He save everyone
                                  He intends to save?   2 Timothy 2:19  John 13:18

                                 Is God in control of my salvation, or am I the
                                 "ultimate decider?"    John 5:21

                                 If all who are drawn by the Father are raised up,
                                 then are all who are drawn by the Father saved?
                                                                   John 6:44

                                Who are the ones given to Jesus by the Father?
                                                                  John 6:37

                                Do all those given by the Father to Jesus, come to Him?
                                                                  John 6:37

                                If God knows everything, and He knows who are His,
                               did He send Jesus to die for people he knew would never
                               If the Father chooses or elects His people (Eph.1), would
                               the Son try to save someone the Father did not choose?
                               Is Jesus sovereign over everything, except salvation?
                                    John 10:30   Luke 10:22   Galatians 1:3-5

                              If two people have the same opportunities to hear the gospel,
                              and one believes while the other does not believe, is it because
                              the one who believes has more understanding of spiritual things,
                              is wiser, more intelligent, has more insight, has more faith, or
                              is more righteous?
                                                Ephesians 2:8-9    James 2:5

                             Does God need our cooperation to save us, or can He save us
                             by His grace?  Ephesians 2:4

                             Does God have to wait for us to "invite Him into our hearts"
                             to save us, or can He save us according to His plan and purpose,
                             at His appointed time?   Romans 8:29-30


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