Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Fear of God

                                                        "The fear of the LORD is the
                                                          beginning of knowledge;
                                                          fools despise wisdom and
                                                                                     Proverbs 1:7


          Ever hear someone say, "So and So needs to have the fear of God in him?"

          Sometimes, we forget to show reverence, respect, and awe for God, just
     because of who He is. 
          We tend to have too much of a casual relationship with Him, but giving
     God nicknames seems to me to be going too far.

          God is not, "The Big Guy in the Sky," or "the Man Upstairs," or "My Buddy."

          God is the Creator of everything, including us, and we depend on Him for
     every breath we take.

                                                         "[Jesus said,] 'And do not fear those who
                                                           kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
                                                           Rather fear Him who can destroy both
                                                           soul and body in hell."
                                                                                           Matthew 10:28

           He is the LORD, Yahweh, the Almighty, the only Savior, and He deserves
     to be treated as such. 


          God gives us wisdom and knowledge so that we may know Him, and He gives
       eternal life to His people.

                                                         "The fear of the LORD is the beginning
                                                          of wisdom, and the knowledge of the
                                                          Holy One is insight.
                                                          For by me your days will be multiplied,
                                                          and years will be added to your life."
                                                                                        Proverbs 9:10-11

           The fear of the LORD causes us to be humble.

                                                         "The fear of the LORD is instruction in
                                                          wisdom, and humility comes before honor."
                                                                                         Proverbs 15:33  

           The fear of the LORD leads to a satisfying life.

                                                         "The fear of the LORD leads to life,                  
                                                           and whoever has it rests satisfied;
                                                           he will not be visited by harm."
                                                                                         Proverbs 19:23

            The fear of the LORD is pure and lasts forever, and His Word is true.

                                                         " ... the fear of the LORD is clean,
                                                           enduring forever;
                                                           the rules of the LORD are true,
                                                           and righteous altogether."
                                                                                        Psalm 19:9

            Everyone should serve God and rejoice in awe because of His holiness
     and greatness.

                                                          "Serve the LORD with fear,
                                                           and rejoice with trembling."
                                                                                        Psalm 2:11

                             "Fear God, not Satan or Antichrist.
                              This is the theme of Scripture, calling
                              people to give honor, glory, worship,
                              and reverence to God.
                              The last moment will arrive to repent
                              and believe before God's wrath is
                              poured out."
                                                                 John MacArthur

                                                    "[An angel said], 'Fear God and give
                                                      Him glory, because the hour of His
                                                      judgment has come, and worship
                                                      Him who made heaven and earth,
                                                      the sea and the springs of water.' "
                                                                                Revelation 14:7

          The fear of God leads to eventual perfect holiness through Christ.

                                                    "Since we have these promises, beloved,
                                                     let us cleanse ourselves from every
                                                     defilement of body and spirit, bringing
                                                     holiness to completion in the fear of God."
                                                                                      2 Corinthians 7:1




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